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People don't see it

by MayThe4thBWithU - 06-05-2018 - 12:30 AM

People don't see it
we a bunch of feckless cunts
who look like the Muslim brotherhood
crossed with planet of the apes
blind to the brainwash

its right in plain sight
cognitive dissonance shakes
walk around in delusional state
can't shake the conditioning
bitterness breeds hate

unthinkable choice
why is illegal now good?
do legals know that?

Politicians know
we are just looking for lunch
maybe dinner with someone nicer
zombie to election polls
blue red both the same

Years of service jade
Cracks of pressure smoothed away
Someone shines a public light I see
what is happening to me
all I know icky

pop news limits speech
laws designed for openness
strangle and entwine

kernel in my brain
pops like corn in the hot air
brexit Trump tariffs North Korea
Clintons always criminal?
Obama is bad?

Antifa's untruth
enforce their will with assault?
they wear uniforms for their events
wait that is fascism right?
they're anti-themselves?

Dems hacked by Awan
Rigged results for progressives
sheeple still believe?

Head of dems stepped down
Resigned in disgrace, no fear
hired by Clinton, still in congress
threatens capitol police
talking heads silent

thirty three thousand
blames current for obstruction
Bleached them all, still found classified docs
grossly negligent she is
obstruction she did

blame it on Russinas
When she sold uranium
Nothing to see here
why don't they see it!!!!????
(06-05-2018 - 12:30 AM)MayThe4thBWithU Wrote: Haierku

People don't see it
we a bunch of feckless cunts
who look like the Muslim brotherhood
crossed with planet of the apes
blind to the brainwash

its right in plain sight
cognitive dissonance shakes
walk around in delusional state
can't shake the conditioning
bitterness breeds hate

unthinkable choice
why is illegal now good?
do legals know that?

Politicians know
we are just looking for lunch
maybe dinner with someone nicer
zombie to election polls
blue red both the same

Years of service jade
Cracks of pressure smoothed away
Someone shines a public light I see
what is happening to me
all I know icky

pop news limits speech
laws designed for openness
strangle and entwine

kernel in my brain
pops like corn in the hot air
brexit Trump tariffs North Korea
Clintons always criminal?
Obama is bad?

Antifa's untruth
enforce their will with assault?
they wear uniforms for their events
wait that is fascism right?
they're anti-themselves?

Dems hacked by Awan
Rigged results for progressives
sheeple still believe?

Head of dems stepped down
Resigned in disgrace, no fear
hired by Clinton, still in congress
threatens capitol police
talking heads silent

thirty three thousand
blames current for obstruction
Bleached them all, still found classified docs
grossly negligent she is
obstruction she did

blame it on Russinas
When she sold uranium
Nothing to see here

blame it on Russinas
When she sold uranium
Nothing to see here 

Good stuff. I like it!

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