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by Gold3nD1ck - 05-11-2019 - 01:26 AM
I am writing this with tears in my eyes. After many years of work, I decided to finish my cycle at RoyaleModdingTeam for personal reasons and due to lack of time to work. This led me to think about selling my code with all the necessary source, web etc the price is $ 50 non-negotiable. The menu has been updated since the last update, among other things a remote recovery and a give bad sport have been included. Avoid silly offers

(the offer is only for a person this will decide if he wants to share some code or what he wants to do with it)

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[Image: Royaletram2.png]

Bad sport is removrd off game ye a joke
wtf? did u sell things c&p and leaked? remote recovery is leaked, badsport dont work and is leaked along time ago,  this is copy from lugia menu and u say "After many years of work"  Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna i've never seen you in the modding scene, you just came in and you're saying it's old loool  Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna
(05-11-2019 - 11:35 AM)GucciMang Wrote: Bad sport is removrd off game ye a joke

i dont think this

(05-11-2019 - 02:47 PM)pOwEr_Mega Wrote: wtf? did u sell things c&p and leaked? remote recovery is leaked, badsport dont work and is leaked along time ago,  this is copy from lugia menu and u say "After many years of work"  Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna i've never seen you in the modding scene, you just came in and you're saying it's old loool  Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna

simply i dont request this stupid comment. try to know after speak(LUGIA SAYS HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA) CRIYING MEN?�?????????
drawNotification("Welcome to Royale 2.5, Created by SxsxModz");
C++/C# Dev
Gsc/r Dev
[Image: Royaletram2.png]

(05-11-2019 - 02:56 PM)Gold3nD1ck Wrote:
(05-11-2019 - 11:35 AM)GucciMang Wrote: Bad sport is removrd off game ye a joke

i dont think this

(05-11-2019 - 02:47 PM)pOwEr_Mega Wrote: wtf? did u sell things c&p and leaked? remote recovery is leaked, badsport dont work and is leaked along time ago,  this is copy from lugia menu and u say "After many years of work"  Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna i've never seen you in the modding scene, you just came in and you're saying it's old loool  Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna

simply i dont request this stupid comment. try to know after speak(LUGIA SAYS HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA) CRIYING MEN?�?????????

nice, but you menu is c&p , u is poor? trying to sell things public and renaming menus  Finna Finna
(05-11-2019 - 03:00 PM)pOwEr_Mega Wrote:
(05-11-2019 - 02:56 PM)Gold3nD1ck Wrote:
(05-11-2019 - 11:35 AM)GucciMang Wrote: Bad sport is removrd off game ye a joke

i dont think this

(05-11-2019 - 02:47 PM)pOwEr_Mega Wrote: wtf? did u sell things c&p and leaked? remote recovery is leaked, badsport dont work and is leaked along time ago,  this is copy from lugia menu and u say "After many years of work"  Finna
[quote pid='258607' dateline='1557578843']
Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna  i've never seen you in the modding scene, you just came in and you're saying it's old loool 

simply i dont request this stupid comment. try to know after speak(LUGIA SAYS HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA) CRIYING MEN

nice, but you menu is c&p , u is poor? trying to sell things public and renaming menus  Finna Finna

close your mouth clown you do not know anything about the solo with saying that it is a copy of the lugia is to get you punchedFinna 

(05-11-2019 - 03:00 PM)pOwEr_Mega Wrote:
(05-11-2019 - 02:56 PM)Gold3nD1ck Wrote:
(05-11-2019 - 11:35 AM)GucciMang Wrote: Bad sport is removrd off game ye a joke

i dont think this

(05-11-2019 - 02:47 PM)pOwEr_Mega Wrote: wtf? did u sell things c&p and leaked? remote recovery is leaked, badsport dont work and is leaked along time ago,  this is copy from lugia menu and u say "After many years of work"  Finna Finna
[quote pid='258607' dateline='1557578843']
Finna Finna Finna Finna Finna  i've never seen you in the modding scene, you just came in and you're saying it's old loool 

simply i dont request this stupid comment. try to know after speak(LUGIA SAYS HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA) CRIYING MEN

nice, but you menu is c&p , u is poor? trying to sell things public and renaming menus  Finna Finna

nobody forces you to buy it but at least my work is 100 of your own, do you have something like that? not right? so shut up silly Heart
drawNotification("Welcome to Royale 2.5, Created by SxsxModz");
C++/C# Dev
Gsc/r Dev
[Image: Royaletram2.png]

your work? u only rename the lugia and trying to sell the shit, and i have all, bc I get this from game with reversing do you has drop kick,protection abt network entities? i think not
(05-11-2019 - 01:26 AM)Gold3nD1ck Wrote:
I am writing this with tears in my eyes. After many years of work, I decided to finish my cycle at RoyaleModdingTeam for personal reasons and due to lack of time to work. This led me to think about selling my code with all the necessary source, web etc the price is $ 50 non-negotiable. The menu has been updated since the last update, among other things a remote recovery and a give bad sport have been included. Avoid silly offers

(the offer is only for a person this will decide if he wants to share some code or what he wants to do with it)

i had a lot of sympathy at first when i saw the tears in the eyes part and considered supporting you with what i could, but than i saw your replies and your a complete dick to everyone. At least be honest and nice and than people will support you. But if you keep being a dick your just gonna get hacked and your menu gonna keep getting cracked.
mate you need to fix that timer issue
the menu, lugia It's very nice though ... True that ... You're using the source. No one is stupid here.

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