I am writing this with tears in my eyes. After many years of work, I decided to finish my cycle at RoyaleModdingTeam for personal reasons and due to lack of time to work. This led me to think about selling my code with all the necessary source, web etc the price is $ 50 non-negotiable. The menu has been updated since the last update, among other things a remote recovery and a give bad sport have been included. Avoid silly offers
(the offer is only for a person this will decide if he wants to share some code or what he wants to do with it)
drawNotification("Welcome to Royale 2.5, Created by SxsxModz");
C++/C# Dev
Gsc/r Dev
![[Image: Royaletram2.png]](https://royalesprx.ddns.net/img/Royaletram2.png)