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New threads in the gaming topic

by Nord - 01-09-2016 - 01:36 AM
i think in the gaming topic you should add 2 threads called Xbox and PlayStation so people can discuss about those topics
Nice suggestion could fall into a good threads :P.
[Image: a8c1d492c00d84139e912c4ea57b6f85.png]
We have a gaming section which is for all categories, No need for a PlayStation and Xbox Section.
I believe the gaming section will be getting re done soon.
I think this is a good idea staff :P
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Astrid's suggestion is where it's at;
Astrid Wrote:I understand this isn't my forum, just here to give my 2 cents.
The Gaming section seems like a moshpit tbh, it should be categorized by genres. (e.g. FPS, MMORPG, Survival) I think you catch my drift.
Thanks for reading.

While I'm neutral on this, thank you for the suggestion.
Suggestion Denied. Thread will now be closed and moved to Denied Suggestions.

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