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[MyBB] 140+ Huge Premium Plugins [DEAD LINK]

by ralf93 - 09-07-2016 - 07:16 AM
ty mate much appriciated
Awesome, thank you!

This will come in handy.

(11-22-2017 - 09:09 AM)pdna123 Wrote: Is this still working?

File has expired and does not exist anymore on this server
Thanks a lot, nice pack m8
OIV - Openitvn ||
(09-07-2016 - 07:16 AM)ralf93 Wrote: Hey guys,

Most of these are what ive collected from the internet and some of these are what ive used myself in my past but they all work.


  1. GroupRank 1.2
  2. Admins Local Time
  3. Admin_post_message
  4. Advanced_Profile
  5. Advertise
  6. Advert_After_First_Post_ONLY
  7. Advert_After_Specific_Posts
  8. Attachment Cost 1.1
  9. Attachment Downloads Log 1.0
  10. Auto-Thread-and-Post
  11. Auto-Thread-List
  12. Auto_Post
  13. Avatar_In_Threadlist
  14. Awards
  15. Ban It
  16. Banned_Gag
  17. Black
  18. Block Extensions In Signatures Images 1.0.0
  19. Bottom_Infobar
  20. Collapsible_Announcement
  21. Confirm_PM
  22. Contact_Us_MyBB
  23. Contest Creator 1.2
  24. Coupon Generator 1.0
  25. Custom Browsing 1.0
  26. Custom Online Status 1.5
  27. Custom-Question-Answer
  28. customtab_mybbcodes
  29. Custom_Pages
  30. Default_Thread_Layout
  31. Defaut New Thread Layout 1.2
  32. donate_icon_postbit_profile
  33. Donation Bar 1.0
  34. Duplicate Post Eraser
  35. Extended Buddy System 1.4
  36. Extra thread fields 1.1
  37. Extra_Security_Question
  38. Facebook_Badge
  39. Fastban
  40. Find-Users-Attachments
  41. Flipping Messages
  42. Force_Read
  43. Formated-Usernames
  44. Form_Manager
  45. Forum-Age
  46. Forum-ID-Restriction
  47. Game Section - MyPlaza Turbo 1.0.0
  48. Game Section - NewPoints 1.0
  49. Get IP in a Tool Tip1
  50. Go-To-FTP
  51. GoEar PlayList[2.0]
  52. Google_Plus_One_Button
  53. Grouped_Subforums
  54. Guest-First-Post-Only
  55. Guest_Access
  56. Guest_Notice
  57. Help Center 1.4
  58. Hide_Urls
  59. Highlight Sticky Threads 1.1
  60. Image-Warnings
  61. image_reputation
  62. Index-Title-Rotator
  63. Index.htm
  64. Invitation_Only
  65. IP Filter
  66. Last-Posts
  67. LeaderBoard[3]
  68. Limit Time Visit
  69. Locked_Warning
  70. Log Out Never 1.0
  71. Login Never 1.0
  72. Login-Captcha
  73. Login_Logger
  74. Mark_Thread_Read
  75. Marquee Tags
  76. Mini_Awards_1.2
  77. Moderation Queue1
  78. Move To Top
  79. Must Come From
  80. My Achievements 1.3
  81. My Advertisements 1.5
  82. My Advertisements 1.6
  83. My Advertisements 1.9
  84. My Affiliates Box
  85. My Guest Messages
  86. My Juke Box
  87. My Mods Page
  88. My Statistics Signature 1.0.0
  89. My Two Columns Announcement Box
  90. My Ultimate Signature.1
  91. My-Attachment-Suite
  92. My-Country-Displayv1.1
  93. My-Dust-Buster
  94. My-Excellence-Award
  95. My-PopUp-Maker
  96. My-Rep-System
  97. My-Thread-Visitors
  98. My-Ticker-Tape
  99. My-Ticket-System
  100. My-Visiting-Card
  101. MyBBpaidtoclick 1.1
  102. MyBB_Extras_Highslide
  103. MyBB_Mp3_Player_1.2
  104. MyCms
  105. MyCode_Installer
  106. MyDownloads 1.4
  107. MyDownloads 1.8
  108. MyDownloads 2.0
  109. MySubscriptions 1.1
  110. MyUltimateAdSuite 3.0
  111. My_Directory
  112. My_Mood
  113. My_Social_Sites
  114. NewPoints 1.4
  115. No-Further-Edits
  116. No-More-Posts
  117. No-More-Threads
  118. No-Zip-Downloads
  119. No_Offense
  120. Only-One-Post
  121. Only-One-Signature
  122. Plugin Checker - User 1.1
  123. PM-After-Post-Approval
  124. PM-on-Thread-Move
  125. PM-Report-System
  126. PM_Conversation
  127. PM_Password
  128. Post Counter 1.0
  129. Post HTML SuitePost_Advert
  130. Post_Bubble_1.1
  131. Post_Decorator
  132. Post_Icon_Access
  133. Post_Restrictor
  134. Post_Viewing_Blocker
  135. Private-Messages-Log
  136. Profile-Visitors
  137. Purchase-Sticky-Threads
  138. Quality_Posts
  139. Quick Reply PM 1.2
  140. Quick-Registration
  141. Quick-Thread
  142. Random Banners1
  143. Random Quotes
  144. Random Sound
  145. Random_Thread
  146. Ratings-Log
  147. Regentronique_Activity_System 1.3
  148. Regentronique_AlphabeticThreadDisplay
  149. Regentronique_Plugins_Manager
  150. Regentronique_PM_Forwarder2
  151. Regentronique_Profile_Website_URL
  152. Regentronique_Rank_System3
  153. Regentronique_Thread_Self_Close
  154. Remove-Quote-Buttons
  155. Reported-Posts-Log
  156. Restricted UID From Downloads 2.0
  157. RSS-Feeds-Ticker
  158. Select_All_Code_PhP_Blocks
  159. Self-Sticky
  160. Side-Corner-Threads
  161. Side-Panel-Latest-Posts-Threads
  162. Side-Panel-Latest-Threads
  163. Sidebar
  164. Signature_Control
  165. Site_Notice_1.1
  166. Site_search
  167. Social_footer
  168. Special-Attachment-Thread
  169. Special-Links
  170. Staff Applications 1.2
  171. Subscribers Page
  172. Subscription_Page
  173. Tabbed_Donation_Page
  174. Thread Ban
  175. Thread View Date
  176. thread_ban
  177. Thread_Enhancer
  178. Thread_Self_Close
  179. Thread_Starter_On_Postbit
  180. Thread_Tags1
  181. Thread_Viewers
  182. Time-Dependent-PM
  183. Userbar 1.0
  184. Users-Log
  185. User_Badges
  186. User_ID_on_Profile_& _Postbit
  187. User_Information_Bar
  188. Valid_Referrals
  189. View Groups 1.3
  190. VIP Membership 1.2
  191. Welcome_Message
  192. WinPulse Scanner 1.2
  193. X-Team 1.2


Hidden Content has been stripped.[/spoiler]


Link is down, bro. Please post new link
OIV - Openitvn ||
(09-07-2016 - 07:16 AM)ralf93 Wrote: Hey guys,

Most of these are what ive collected from the internet and some of these are what ive used myself in my past but they all work.


  1. GroupRank 1.2
  2. Admins Local Time
  3. Admin_post_message
  4. Advanced_Profile
  5. Advertise
  6. Advert_After_First_Post_ONLY
  7. Advert_After_Specific_Posts
  8. Attachment Cost 1.1
  9. Attachment Downloads Log 1.0
  10. Auto-Thread-and-Post
  11. Auto-Thread-List
  12. Auto_Post
  13. Avatar_In_Threadlist
  14. Awards
  15. Ban It
  16. Banned_Gag
  17. Black
  18. Block Extensions In Signatures Images 1.0.0
  19. Bottom_Infobar
  20. Collapsible_Announcement
  21. Confirm_PM
  22. Contact_Us_MyBB
  23. Contest Creator 1.2
  24. Coupon Generator 1.0
  25. Custom Browsing 1.0
  26. Custom Online Status 1.5
  27. Custom-Question-Answer
  28. customtab_mybbcodes
  29. Custom_Pages
  30. Default_Thread_Layout
  31. Defaut New Thread Layout 1.2
  32. donate_icon_postbit_profile
  33. Donation Bar 1.0
  34. Duplicate Post Eraser
  35. Extended Buddy System 1.4
  36. Extra thread fields 1.1
  37. Extra_Security_Question
  38. Facebook_Badge
  39. Fastban
  40. Find-Users-Attachments
  41. Flipping Messages
  42. Force_Read
  43. Formated-Usernames
  44. Form_Manager
  45. Forum-Age
  46. Forum-ID-Restriction
  47. Game Section - MyPlaza Turbo 1.0.0
  48. Game Section - NewPoints 1.0
  49. Get IP in a Tool Tip1
  50. Go-To-FTP
  51. GoEar PlayList[2.0]
  52. Google_Plus_One_Button
  53. Grouped_Subforums
  54. Guest-First-Post-Only
  55. Guest_Access
  56. Guest_Notice
  57. Help Center 1.4
  58. Hide_Urls
  59. Highlight Sticky Threads 1.1
  60. Image-Warnings
  61. image_reputation
  62. Index-Title-Rotator
  63. Index.htm
  64. Invitation_Only
  65. IP Filter
  66. Last-Posts
  67. LeaderBoard[3]
  68. Limit Time Visit
  69. Locked_Warning
  70. Log Out Never 1.0
  71. Login Never 1.0
  72. Login-Captcha
  73. Login_Logger
  74. Mark_Thread_Read
  75. Marquee Tags
  76. Mini_Awards_1.2
  77. Moderation Queue1
  78. Move To Top
  79. Must Come From
  80. My Achievements 1.3
  81. My Advertisements 1.5
  82. My Advertisements 1.6
  83. My Advertisements 1.9
  84. My Affiliates Box
  85. My Guest Messages
  86. My Juke Box
  87. My Mods Page
  88. My Statistics Signature 1.0.0
  89. My Two Columns Announcement Box
  90. My Ultimate Signature.1
  91. My-Attachment-Suite
  92. My-Country-Displayv1.1
  93. My-Dust-Buster
  94. My-Excellence-Award
  95. My-PopUp-Maker
  96. My-Rep-System
  97. My-Thread-Visitors
  98. My-Ticker-Tape
  99. My-Ticket-System
  100. My-Visiting-Card
  101. MyBBpaidtoclick 1.1
  102. MyBB_Extras_Highslide
  103. MyBB_Mp3_Player_1.2
  104. MyCms
  105. MyCode_Installer
  106. MyDownloads 1.4
  107. MyDownloads 1.8
  108. MyDownloads 2.0
  109. MySubscriptions 1.1
  110. MyUltimateAdSuite 3.0
  111. My_Directory
  112. My_Mood
  113. My_Social_Sites
  114. NewPoints 1.4
  115. No-Further-Edits
  116. No-More-Posts
  117. No-More-Threads
  118. No-Zip-Downloads
  119. No_Offense
  120. Only-One-Post
  121. Only-One-Signature
  122. Plugin Checker - User 1.1
  123. PM-After-Post-Approval
  124. PM-on-Thread-Move
  125. PM-Report-System
  126. PM_Conversation
  127. PM_Password
  128. Post Counter 1.0
  129. Post HTML SuitePost_Advert
  130. Post_Bubble_1.1
  131. Post_Decorator
  132. Post_Icon_Access
  133. Post_Restrictor
  134. Post_Viewing_Blocker
  135. Private-Messages-Log
  136. Profile-Visitors
  137. Purchase-Sticky-Threads
  138. Quality_Posts
  139. Quick Reply PM 1.2
  140. Quick-Registration
  141. Quick-Thread
  142. Random Banners1
  143. Random Quotes
  144. Random Sound
  145. Random_Thread
  146. Ratings-Log
  147. Regentronique_Activity_System 1.3
  148. Regentronique_AlphabeticThreadDisplay
  149. Regentronique_Plugins_Manager
  150. Regentronique_PM_Forwarder2
  151. Regentronique_Profile_Website_URL
  152. Regentronique_Rank_System3
  153. Regentronique_Thread_Self_Close
  154. Remove-Quote-Buttons
  155. Reported-Posts-Log
  156. Restricted UID From Downloads 2.0
  157. RSS-Feeds-Ticker
  158. Select_All_Code_PhP_Blocks
  159. Self-Sticky
  160. Side-Corner-Threads
  161. Side-Panel-Latest-Posts-Threads
  162. Side-Panel-Latest-Threads
  163. Sidebar
  164. Signature_Control
  165. Site_Notice_1.1
  166. Site_search
  167. Social_footer
  168. Special-Attachment-Thread
  169. Special-Links
  170. Staff Applications 1.2
  171. Subscribers Page
  172. Subscription_Page
  173. Tabbed_Donation_Page
  174. Thread Ban
  175. Thread View Date
  176. thread_ban
  177. Thread_Enhancer
  178. Thread_Self_Close
  179. Thread_Starter_On_Postbit
  180. Thread_Tags1
  181. Thread_Viewers
  182. Time-Dependent-PM
  183. Userbar 1.0
  184. Users-Log
  185. User_Badges
  186. User_ID_on_Profile_& _Postbit
  187. User_Information_Bar
  188. Valid_Referrals
  189. View Groups 1.3
  190. VIP Membership 1.2
  191. Welcome_Message
  192. WinPulse Scanner 1.2
  193. X-Team 1.2


Hidden content unlocked[/spoiler]


Fix the link man!
Ways to contact me!

Discord: Mr Fuzzy#4195

or my discord server. 

Click Me!
Just marking this so I'll come back when I can download, thanks. If everything works out well I'll surely give you a like. :)
cheers mate, looks neat
Thanks bro!. :D
nice pack , was looking for it

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