My name is Instakilla and I would like to offer you a database I have recently hijacked off the game Mortal Online, quite popular steam greenlighted game full of active gamers and lots of information. Here is their breach notification for the GDPR: https://account.mortalonline.com/breach.html
I have given a teaser of this information here on my website, https://instakilla.com/teaser.txt
One copy given already - https://blog.dehashed.com/star-vault-mor...ne-hacked/
If you are interested hit me up with a reply, it contains addressed, emails, usernames, poorly MD5'd passwords and more. I'm up for trades.
My name is Instakilla and I would like to offer you a database I have recently hijacked off the game Mortal Online, quite popular steam greenlighted game full of active gamers and lots of information. Here is their breach notification for the GDPR: https://account.mortalonline.com/breach.html
I have given a teaser of this information here on my website, https://instakilla.com/teaser.txt
One copy given already - https://blog.dehashed.com/star-vault-mor...ne-hacked/
If you are interested hit me up with a reply, it contains addressed, emails, usernames, poorly MD5'd passwords and more. I'm up for trades.