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Method How to crack Netflix Premium Accounts [Easy]

by winofficially - 03-25-2018 - 10:21 AM
Hello Everyone, I'm back again with new tutorials,most of you guys think how we crack "Netflix", answers is they're not patched now and the method is very simple.

Lets get started..

Sentry MBA:Cracking Tools Section
Netflix Config:
Proxy(Config need proxy): Check Combos and Proxy Section
Combos(Of Course [Image: biggrin.png]):Check Combos and Proxy Section


Getting Started
  • click "settings" on the left, then "general"

  • click "load settings from snapshot"
    • click "lists" on the left, then "proxylist"

    • click the open button on the right to select a proxy list to use

    • click "wordlist" on the left

    • make sure "mode" is set to "combo list"

    • click the open button to select a combo list

    • optionally, you could use the open buttons next to usernames & passwords to open their respective usernames wordlist and passwords wordlists.
      • click "progression" on the left, then "progression" (underneath)

      • click the "reload list" (green refresh button) on the top right to reload your combolist (to ensure you're using the correct combolist, and not an old one)

      • slide the "bots" slider to an appropriate number of workers you'd like to use

      • click "start" on the top left

    • The main thing to pay attention to here, to determine whether or not we're cracking correctly, is the HTTP responses. These codes are essential to know if our requests are getting through okay. "Hits" are what we're aiming for. "Reds" are redirects. "Fakes" are, well, fakes. Sentry MBA if configured correctly, can determine when there is a fake response from the server - saving you time when cracking. "To check" is just the remaining amount of combos or usernames:passwords Sentry MBA has left to go through, with your wordlist.
test hehehehehe
Thank for this this detailed tutorial :)
you've been helpful!
you are awesome!!!

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