Get any games or products from G2A for free with timezone script.
How it works?
It’s really simple. We will use a Tampermonkey script which changes our browser’s timezone whenever we make a new order on g2a. As soon as we get redirected to thepayment page, our timezone will change – which will result in our order gettingmarked as “Expired” on Bitbay’s side, but NOT on g2a’s side. So, if we pay for theproducts – our order will get processed and delivered by g2a anyway, but the money will get INSTANTLY refunded to our wallet by Bitbay.
G2A script:
--> PDF Instructions
How it works?
It’s really simple. We will use a Tampermonkey script which changes our browser’s timezone whenever we make a new order on g2a. As soon as we get redirected to thepayment page, our timezone will change – which will result in our order gettingmarked as “Expired” on Bitbay’s side, but NOT on g2a’s side. So, if we pay for theproducts – our order will get processed and delivered by g2a anyway, but the money will get INSTANTLY refunded to our wallet by Bitbay.
G2A script:
--> PDF Instructions