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Freedom bo2 Tool Made By ghostboy2018 | Full working source

by Smokey_xKoVx - 12-28-2018 - 04:05 AM
(12-29-2018 - 01:15 AM)EVX Wrote:
(12-29-2018 - 01:04 AM)ghostboy2018 Wrote:
(12-29-2018 - 12:50 AM)EVX Wrote: it doesnt make sense for you to deny it all anymore the fact is we didnt try start shit in the first place you stole smokeys shit so your a leech fact crying saying we ar trying to start fights for no reason is a shitty move cause you know your caught that video you prob removed by now but hey i cant say much more cause ill prob be banned for 'starting shit' so have a good one leech
Deny what? Explain? You's are posting tool's i've never even made but in fact have been made by smokey and he's put my names onto them in hope to try ruin me of which you have a part in aswell, I never stole a thing that's a fact, I released correct never stole but oh wait when i did release you's all got salty and attacked. You's are starting fights the last time this happened was months ago so why now do you and smokey just pop up posting crap on old threads and starting to ruin my rep? Rick has images that prove you's are clearly going out your way to start stuff, So grow the f*ck up its actually sad stop acting your shoe size. See that last section there whats that called "starting shit"just keep in mind when you's both go out your way to start stuff it leaves a trial of which i've picked up on. Just because you are big and friendly with people does not make you elite to the rules you still have to follow them like everyone does. Which also goes for smokey aswell. So stop starting stuff for no reason please and stop posting sources/tools with my name in a hope to start a fight for no reason what so ever. Remember posts are time stamped aswell.
first iv never posted any tool what smokey does is up to him that satan tool is yours as smokey has shown you tried to sell it on fb and im not trying to ruin you at all your rep is from rep for rep why would i wanna attack your rep? lol and for what rick has im interested to see them images but untill then i dont care so dont bring people in to your shit you tried to say i was starting fights for no reason fuck what happend before with u releasing xkovx sources i dont care about that this shit happened when that satan tool got shown with xkovx stuff in it that you seem to wanna deny when we have everything that you own it
Read my last reply, Your comment i'm now replying to says it all. Omg
If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. 
If broken by an inside force, life begins. 
Great things always begin from the inside.
(12-29-2018 - 01:20 AM)ghostboy2018 Wrote:
(12-29-2018 - 01:15 AM)EVX Wrote:
(12-29-2018 - 01:04 AM)ghostboy2018 Wrote:
(12-29-2018 - 12:50 AM)EVX Wrote: it doesnt make sense for you to deny it all anymore the fact is we didnt try start shit in the first place you stole smokeys shit so your a leech fact crying saying we ar trying to start fights for no reason is a shitty move cause you know your caught that video you prob removed by now but hey i cant say much more cause ill prob be banned for 'starting shit' so have a good one leech
Deny what? Explain? You's are posting tool's i've never even made but in fact have been made by smokey and he's put my names onto them in hope to try ruin me of which you have a part in aswell, I never stole a thing that's a fact, I released correct never stole but oh wait when i did release you's all got salty and attacked. You's are starting fights the last time this happened was months ago so why now do you and smokey just pop up posting crap on old threads and starting to ruin my rep? Rick has images that prove you's are clearly going out your way to start stuff, So grow the f*ck up its actually sad stop acting your shoe size. See that last section there whats that called "starting shit"just keep in mind when you's both go out your way to start stuff it leaves a trial of which i've picked up on. Just because you are big and friendly with people does not make you elite to the rules you still have to follow them like everyone does. Which also goes for smokey aswell. So stop starting stuff for no reason please and stop posting sources/tools with my name in a hope to start a fight for no reason what so ever. Remember posts are time stamped aswell.
first iv never posted any tool what smokey does is up to him that satan tool is yours as smokey has shown you tried to sell it on fb and im not trying to ruin you at all your rep is from rep for rep why would i wanna attack your rep? lol and for what rick has im interested to see them images but untill then i dont care so dont bring people in to your shit you tried to say i was starting fights for no reason fuck what happend before with u releasing xkovx sources i dont care about that this shit happened when that satan tool got shown with xkovx stuff in it that you seem to wanna deny when we have everything that you own it
Read my last reply, Your comment i'm now replying to says it all. Omg

i dont care you added that after i was replying lmfao whats gonna happen am i gonna get banned for calling you out on your bullshit

I'm going to leave this here for the following reasons: If you's become hostile or continue this you's are trying to start things. I'm leaving this here and ending it here to prevent such.

p.s: Sorry owner/admins/mods for having to deal with there crap. 
(12-29-2018 - 01:22 AM)EVX Wrote:
(12-29-2018 - 01:20 AM)ghostboy2018 Wrote:
(12-29-2018 - 01:15 AM)EVX Wrote:
(12-29-2018 - 01:04 AM)ghostboy2018 Wrote:
(12-29-2018 - 12:50 AM)EVX Wrote: it doesnt make sense for you to deny it all anymore the fact is we didnt try start shit in the first place you stole smokeys shit so your a leech fact crying saying we ar trying to start fights for no reason is a shitty move cause you know your caught that video you prob removed by now but hey i cant say much more cause ill prob be banned for 'starting shit' so have a good one leech
Deny what? Explain? You's are posting tool's i've never even made but in fact have been made by smokey and he's put my names onto them in hope to try ruin me of which you have a part in aswell, I never stole a thing that's a fact, I released correct never stole but oh wait when i did release you's all got salty and attacked. You's are starting fights the last time this happened was months ago so why now do you and smokey just pop up posting crap on old threads and starting to ruin my rep? Rick has images that prove you's are clearly going out your way to start stuff, So grow the f*ck up its actually sad stop acting your shoe size. See that last section there whats that called "starting shit"just keep in mind when you's both go out your way to start stuff it leaves a trial of which i've picked up on. Just because you are big and friendly with people does not make you elite to the rules you still have to follow them like everyone does. Which also goes for smokey aswell. So stop starting stuff for no reason please and stop posting sources/tools with my name in a hope to start a fight for no reason what so ever. Remember posts are time stamped aswell.
first iv never posted any tool what smokey does is up to him that satan tool is yours as smokey has shown you tried to sell it on fb and im not trying to ruin you at all your rep is from rep for rep why would i wanna attack your rep? lol and for what rick has im interested to see them images but untill then i dont care so dont bring people in to your shit you tried to say i was starting fights for no reason fuck what happend before with u releasing xkovx sources i dont care about that this shit happened when that satan tool got shown with xkovx stuff in it that you seem to wanna deny when we have everything that you own it
Read my last reply, Your comment i'm now replying to says it all. Omg

i dont care you added that after i was replying lmfao whats gonna happen am i gonna get banned for calling you out on your bullshit

I'm going to leave this here for the following reasons: If you's become hostile or continue this you's are trying to start things. I'm leaving this here and ending it here to prevent such.

p.s: Sorry owner/admins/mods for having to deal with there crap. 
Stop trying to start fights, Have you not got anything better to do with your life apart from trying to start fights? Act your age not your shoe size.
If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. 
If broken by an inside force, life begins. 
Great things always begin from the inside.
(12-29-2018 - 01:57 AM)ghostboy2018 Wrote:
(12-29-2018 - 01:22 AM)EVX Wrote:
(12-29-2018 - 01:20 AM)ghostboy2018 Wrote:
(12-29-2018 - 01:15 AM)EVX Wrote:
(12-29-2018 - 01:04 AM)ghostboy2018 Wrote: Deny what? Explain? You's are posting tool's i've never even made but in fact have been made by smokey and he's put my names onto them in hope to try ruin me of which you have a part in aswell, I never stole a thing that's a fact, I released correct never stole but oh wait when i did release you's all got salty and attacked. You's are starting fights the last time this happened was months ago so why now do you and smokey just pop up posting crap on old threads and starting to ruin my rep? Rick has images that prove you's are clearly going out your way to start stuff, So grow the f*ck up its actually sad stop acting your shoe size. See that last section there whats that called "starting shit"just keep in mind when you's both go out your way to start stuff it leaves a trial of which i've picked up on. Just because you are big and friendly with people does not make you elite to the rules you still have to follow them like everyone does. Which also goes for smokey aswell. So stop starting stuff for no reason please and stop posting sources/tools with my name in a hope to start a fight for no reason what so ever. Remember posts are time stamped aswell.
first iv never posted any tool what smokey does is up to him that satan tool is yours as smokey has shown you tried to sell it on fb and im not trying to ruin you at all your rep is from rep for rep why would i wanna attack your rep? lol and for what rick has im interested to see them images but untill then i dont care so dont bring people in to your shit you tried to say i was starting fights for no reason fuck what happend before with u releasing xkovx sources i dont care about that this shit happened when that satan tool got shown with xkovx stuff in it that you seem to wanna deny when we have everything that you own it
Read my last reply, Your comment i'm now replying to says it all. Omg

i dont care you added that after i was replying lmfao whats gonna happen am i gonna get banned for calling you out on your bullshit

I'm going to leave this here for the following reasons: If you's become hostile or continue this you's are trying to start things. I'm leaving this here and ending it here to prevent such.

p.s: Sorry owner/admins/mods for having to deal with there crap. 
Stop trying to start fights, Have you not got anything better to do with your life apart from trying to start fights? Act your age not your shoe size.

why you replying didnt you see my message?

I'm going to leave this here for the following reasons: If you's become hostile or continue this you's are trying to start things. I'm leaving this here and ending it here to prevent such.

p.s: Sorry owner/admins/mods for having to deal with there crap. 
We can all be friends here :)
(01-11-2019 - 04:16 AM)Heartless_ Wrote: We can all be friends here :)

Discord - California#6666            My Server -
[Image: TV1HRB1.gif]
lol man i seen this before wow
(07-14-2019 - 10:30 PM)unknown_evil Wrote: lol man i seen this before wow

[Image: smoke-mk3-diz.gif]
Discord: Smokey xKoVx#5964
(12-28-2018 - 04:05 AM)Smokey_xKoVx Wrote:
This is just a source i had laying around on my pc and thought others might want it.


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[Image: Shocked.jpg]

PHP,  HTML coder
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Royale SPRX owner/developer
[Image: busbunny.png]
thanks for sharing

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