(07-19-2019 - 05:23 PM)RoyaleSprx Wrote:thanxCe code modifie la variable " SET_PLAYER_MAX_ARMOUR" à 50 pour éviter d'être retiré de la pièce dès que vous vous connectez à une pièce où un autre pirate possède l'AutoKickpirates activés[color = # ffffff] [size = small] [hide] Le contenu est masqué [/ hide]
(07-19-2019 - 05:23 PM)RoyaleSprx Wrote:ThanxThis code modify the variable "SET_PLAYER_MAX_ARMOUR" to 50 to avoid getting pulled out of the room as soon as you connect to a room where another hacker has the AutoKickhackers activated
(07-19-2019 - 05:23 PM)RoyaleSprx Wrote:Thanx[color=#ffffff][size=small]This code modify the variable "SET_PLAYER_MAX_ARMOUR" to 50 to avoid getting pulled out of the room as soon as you connect to a room where another hacker has the AutoKickhackers activated
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