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Launch a Strong DDoS / Dos (TBOT)

by VaxKing - 08-04-2021 - 06:45 AM
Hello Guys,

Please note that this tutorial is only for testing purposes, so I decided to do following stress tests by using TBOT program on following providers:

Quote:eCompute - Powerful Cloud Computing
Reliable Bare-metal and Cloud servers with free backups, firewall and add-ons.

[Image: new-account.png]
IT Nut Hosting: Best Web Hosting & Domain Registrar Company
IT Nut Hosting is the best hosting company. We provide Web Hosting, Cloud VPS Hosting, Email Hosting, SSL, Domain registration, Website builder etc.

So in order to start my test I had to download different proxies from different providers and merge them , then check them via TBOT proxy checker

Free Proxy List Provider
Free Proxy/Socks list for professional surfers with 60 seconds update interval including following information: ping, speed, type, uptime, country, ssl/https, connect, post and get method support.

[Image: image39b43b406c5dfd64f.png]

8 Instances 30 threads
240 requests/s for each program

Result :

[Image: image20ccbc5c147a8fcfe.png]

8 Instances 30 threads
240 requests/s for each program

[Image: image5.png]


[Image: image444ca4faa41de08c6.png]

"Itnuthosting" went down for 5 minutes without any responses, after 5 minutes they mitigated attack.
"Ecompute" kept responding as usual.

So we were curious to test VPS on 2 providers, and results wasn't surprising only "Ecompute" survived, the other server crashed !!

We conclude that "Ecompute" might have hardware protection!!

Note: this is not advertisement for both providers, but I had purchased "
Tbot" tool and it helped me alot with discovering that my websites are vulnerable , and it helped me with securing my server against DDOS/DOS Attacks (I had to apply multiple rules via IPTABLES and do stress testing at same time).

It is not always about hosting offering DDOS protection, but sometimes it can be server misconfiguration that causes such problems like DDOS/DOS attacks.
In this tutorial we just wanted to check if following VPS providers have hardware protections against such attacks [img=22x22][/img]

I recommend to buy this tool because it has many useful functions

[TheJavaSea] TBOT - Traffic Bot / Proxy Checker / TCP BOT Flooder (Multi Threaded + Multi Instances)
AIO (ALL In One Kit) Specially made for SEO optimization , Traffic Generation , 

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