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[Information/Resources] BO4 Cheating

by IcyJake - 01-05-2019 - 10:12 PM
Last updated: 2/2/19

What's up big fellas? I've decided to make this thread for the sole purpose of informing you guys (who are interested) about BO4 cheating. I will be updating the thread every single time I find something useful regarding cheating on BO4. It could be code, information, and etc. Of course, I will be researching and/or testing any information I put on here, so I can make sure my facts are solid/authentic for you guys.

You guys can even help me research information or inform me about something new that I might not know about, if that's something that you guys would wanna do.

You may be wondering what anti-cheat BO4 is using. Well, that answer is simple. TAC. Okay, wait a minute, before you guys roast the shit out of me and accuse me of lying, it's true. Treyarch actually implemented the same old anti-cheat that they've used for BO1 - BO3 into BO4.

That's when you know they don't care about cheating on their game. They just want the money, lol. Anyways, let me get back on track instead of bullying Treyarch. I do have to hand one thing to them, though. BO4's version of TAC is a little different than the rest.

Treyarch has created a modified and improved version of TAC. This version of TAC takes screenshots randomly and checks your game statistics. If nobody finds a way around this, then the only thing I can think of is people are gonna have to avoid using obvious shit when cheating, like aimbot, flying, and etc.

[spoiler=Pointer Encryption Stuff]
- There are 15+ different encryption routines

- Every single pointer to heap locations are encrypted/scrambled

- They check the caller return address on the stack and validate that the code is coming from theirs, which means you aren't able to just call their code from your DLL

[spoiler=Ban Method]
BO4 uses their own custom HWID (hardware id) ban. I've already found out which id they grab from your hardware if they ban you. They wrote code that gets the serial number from your hard-drive. I don't know if there's a way to spoof that serial number to un-ban yourself if they ban you, but that's for someone else to test if they ever get banned.

The 'AllocConsole()' function is detected. You won't get banned for it, though. All it will do is force-close your game.

[spoiler=SwapChain Pointer]
void WriteDetour(LPBYTE pBase, ULONG_PTR pPresentHook)
    LPBYTE pDetour = Read<LPBYTE>(Read<LPBYTE>(pBase)) + 0x40;
    _Present = (HRESULT(__cdecl *)(IDXGISwapChain*,UINT, UINT))(*(ULONG_PTR*)pDetour);

    DWORD oldProt;

    VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pDetour, 8, PAGE_READWRITE, &oldProt);
    *(ULONG_PTR*)pDetour = pPresentHook;
    VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pDetour, 8, oldProt, &oldProt);

void Init()
    ULONG_PTR pBase = (ULONG_PTR)GetModuleHandleA(NULL);
    ULONG_PTR pHookScanBase = pBase + 0xC1BE500;
    WriteDetour((LPBYTE)pHookScanBase, (ULONG_PTR)&PresentHook);

[spoiler=GDI32 Module]
There is a manually mapped gdi32 module in their code that won't appear in the imports. This is probably for screenshot related stuff.

The injection of 'comctl32.dll' is detected.

More information/resources will come soon. Just make sure to come back and check this thread every once in awhile! Message me on Discord if you wanna talk.

Discord: IcyJake#1200
Nice kind of thread, informative over just sharing
(01-07-2019 - 04:34 AM)Coltypoothegod Wrote: Nice kind of thread, informative over just sharing

Thanks, man. I was actually just looking for more information.
Updated as of 2/2/19.

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