Hey everyone,
So talking with a few members, I have come up with a forum idea.
The idea is to be able to customise this bar, and also to customise this bar as well.
The idea is to be able to re-order, re-organise and add custom links that we can easily use to get to our favourite threads etc.
Of course this is only a suggestion, so any inputs are completely accepted.
Thankyou for your time, and I hope you enjoy my idea.
PumpDecor | DemonForums.net
So talking with a few members, I have come up with a forum idea.
The idea is to be able to customise this bar, and also to customise this bar as well.
The idea is to be able to re-order, re-organise and add custom links that we can easily use to get to our favourite threads etc.
Of course this is only a suggestion, so any inputs are completely accepted.
Thankyou for your time, and I hope you enjoy my idea.
PumpDecor | DemonForums.net
If you have any problems, please send me a PM here.
Gamertag: DoUSmokeWeedBro
PumpDecor | DemonForums.net