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[FOR BEGINNERS] How to create a self-update app in 2021

by datagroove - 05-07-2021 - 01:12 PM
[Image: sim-card-icon.png]

This guide will show a simple but effective way to create a self-update app. Essentially self-update is a mechanism that keeps the app always updated with the latest links. For this guide i had focus on free sim cards as it is something that new users are always looking for and operators are always changing links with new promotions or plans and make manual update a very hard task. If the builder expand to other countries to give more coverage and reach new users it's unreliable to maintain and update a list manually.

For this we relay on google because they do all the work of searching and indexing the new links and we target the first search result as in most if not all cases it's the right link. After having the link print in the app for the user to click.

Note: This app is build in javascript which means that if the builder creates a site and upload the files it will work but won't be indexed by search engines as by default only html is indexed. Additionally html tags can be added but this is not the point of this app.

The focus here is free sim cards, start by scrapping search results for operators. Once you got the main operators listed search on google the operator and add free sim card keyword at front. Check the results and see if all is working properly. What you want to target is the first result which must be correct. Create a cse engine and add the top level domain for the country you want to target. With the code below change the api key and cx engine to yours (This is important and you can't relay on others, because api key is limited to 10.000 requests and this method uses a excessive amount of requests as one result correspond to 1 link).

Pm me for the code...

Define as the search query "operator free sim card". Example: Vodafone free sim card

This will show to the user the first result of vodafone free sim card which with 100% accuracy is the official site. Replicate to other operator by changing the brand to cover others. The purpose: As i said the idea of this app is to target free sim cards by country and create a mechanism that will self-update without user intervention. This is good if the builder wants to target users on a long run (3 years or more for example) and don't need to manually edit the app.
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