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Poll: Will Hollywood make a good live action anime movie?
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YesVotes: 2 | 40.00%
NoVotes: 3 | 60.00%
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Do you think there will ever be a good live-action Hollywood adaptation?

by Zattap - 09-29-2017 - 08:09 AM
Personally, I enjoyed the Ghost in the Shell movie with Scarlet Johansen but I only saw the original movie (and its sequel, but nothing else) not long before the hollywood one was released... so I didn't have that Nostalgia going in to judge it.
But every other live action I know of has been bad! And I saw Your Name is supposed to get one eventually.

What do you think? Will Hollywood churn out a good one, and soon?
I don't think it will happen as long as Hollywood keeps fucking up what made the anime good to begin with. Also casting non-Asian actors for Asian roles lol.

Idk. I think it could happen eventually, but the way Hollywood works currently will keep it from happening for a while imo.
I'm waiting for an adaptation of akira, but I'm a bit afraid of what they can do
Hollywood (COULD) make a good live-action adaptation but they need to choose the right series and the right cast and screenwriters (they have the formula worked out for superhero (comic-book) movies (well mostly... looking at you DC...)) if they can get the rights parts together I see no reason why they can't do the same for (some) anime(s)
to be honest all the non-anime based live action action movies recently have been mediocre at best as well
Probably not. japan anime is the best

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