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[BTC] Fastest bitcoin wallet generator (4,000,000 wallets/min generated)

by lilbuno - 02-10-2023 - 05:25 PM

Software with which you can actually find a wallet in bitcoins
All the programs that you have seen before are absolutely useless and there is no chance to find anything due to low speed (just not at all).
The same software generates and checks wallets at a speed of 4 million wallets per minute (calculations are made on the processor, tested on ryzen 5 2600). The speed of the programs that you have seen before, God forbid 600 wallets / minute. The difference is obvious. (about 6500 times different)
I wrote it myself from scratch in python, compiled with nuitka, the final file is native C ++ / C (in this regard, the speed is even higher)
System requirements: 1-1.5 gigabytes of FREE RAM (because the database of wallets is stored in memory)
To run the software, download and unpack the archive, then run checkerbtc.exe (you can leave it unpacked if you want)
If you find something, it will be displayed in the console and the private key will be saved in a textbox with the name result.txt

Password to archive) - 1002

Download - checkerbtc

check amount: 5b3d0326b40a00b23e176e05eda6018ac8a3de0fa2d92abcede780a8d3e048a6

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