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All Cod Offsets

by Darkdos04 - 12-26-2019 - 10:22 AM
MW3 Tu24 Offsets  and Tu24 Codes 
Cbuf_Addtext: 0x8228DAC0 
G_GivePlayerWeapon: 0x82272E08
Dvar_GetBool: 0x8232E2C8
SV_GameSendServerCommand: 0x822C2D90
Crosshairs: 0x82000B64
SetModel_: 0x8226EAA0
Laststand: 0x8222EF64
G_InitializeAmmo: 0x82231250
Add_Ammo: 0x8223F9C0
R_AddCmdDrawText_t: 0x8241F9E0
R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic_t: 0x8241F288
R_AddCmdDrawTextEff_t: 0x824203E8
CL_DrawText: 0x82174C78
G_LocalizedStringIndex: 0x8226E0A0
G_MaterialIndex: 0x8226E180
HudElem_Alloc: 0x8223D260
HudElem_ClearTypeSettings: 0x8223D148
HudElem_ClientDisconnect: 0x8223D3C8
HudElem_DestroyAll: 0x8223D428
HudElem_Free: 0x8214CCB8
HudElem_SetDefaults: 0x8223D198 
Jump_Height: 0x82001D6C 
Menu_PaintAllStub: 0x82309224
GScr_MapRestart: 0x82263008
0x82045F40 //cg_fovMin
0x82045F40 //cg_viewVehicleInfluence
0x82005F80 //motionTrackerSweepSpeed
0x82045F40 //r_fog_depthhack_scale
0x82006628 //r_blacklevel
0x82001B74 //r_gamma
0x820122C0 //bg_weaponBobLag
0x82004448 //bg_weaponBobMax
0x8200444C //bg_weaponBobAmplitudeRoll
0x820045B0 //bg_weaponBobAmplitudeDucked
0x82004640 //bg_weaponBobAmplitudeStanding
0x82004644 //bg_weaponBobAmplitudeSprinting
0x82001BA8 //bg_viewBobLag
0x82000B40 //laserLightEndOffset
0x820097FC //cg_TeamColor_Allies
0x820097C8 //cg_TeamColor_Axis
0x82001B8C //cg_TeamColor_MyTeam
0x820064F0 //cg_TeamColor_MyParty
0x82001BA8 //cg_TeamColor_EnemyTeam
0x82010600 //cg_waterSheeting_radius
0x82010638 //cg_waterSheeting_distortionScaleFactor
0x8200DCA4 //con_typewriterColorGlowUpdated
0x82001E38 //g_knockback
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0x821DF928 HudElem_Alloc
0x8220C7A0 G_LocalizedStringIndex
0x83109D80 level_locals
0x82001A34 Jump_Height
0x8220C960 G_MaterialIndex
0x822548D8 SV
0x8229EEE8 Dvar_GetBool
0x8229F0A8 Dvar_GetString
0x8229EFB8 Dvar_GetFloat
0x8229EF50 Dvar_GetInt
0x821E65B0 getClientState
0x82285E98 Menu_PaintAll
0x822A7028 va
0x82224990 Cbuf_AddText

SV_Cmd_TokenizeString: 0x822252B0
SV_Cmd_EndTokenizedString: 0x822252D0

ClientCommand: 0x821DC5A0

G_SoundAliasIndex: 0x8220CDA0

HudElem_Alloc: 0x821DF928

G_LocalizedStringIndex: 0x8220C7A0

G_MaterialIndex: 0x8220C960

G_GivePlayerWeapon: 0x82210B30

G_GetWeaponIndexForName: 0x822105A8

giveAmmo_t: 0x821E1EF8

BG_TakePlayerWeapon: 0x82210990

BG_GetViewmodelWeaponIndex: 0x820E23C8

XUserWriteAchievements_t: 0x823302E8

SetModel_t: 0x8220D278

G_CallSpawnEntity_t: 0x8220934

SV_LinkEntity_t: 0x8225F518

SV_UnlinkEntity_t: 0x8225F430

SV_SetBrushModel_t: 0x82254B50

G_TempEntity: 0x8220EDF0

G_SoundAliasIndex_t: 0x8220CFB0

G_FreeEntity: 0x8220DE20

SL_GetString: 0x82242250

G_SpawnTurret: 0x822198F8

End game: 0x82201518
Super jump: 0x82001A34

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 MW1_AimTarget_IsTargetVisible = 0x82346880;
 MW1_CG_BulletEndpos = 0x822E9D70;
 MW1_BG_GetSpreadForWeapon = 0x8232C478;
 MW1_CG_GoodRandomFloat = 0x822E8AA8;
 MW1_RandomBulletDir = 0x822E9758;
 MW1_CG_DObjGetWorldTagPos = 0x82316088;
 MW1_CL_WritePacket = 0x822DA6C8;
 MW1_CL_CreateNewCommands = 0x822DCAE8;
 MW1_SL_GetStringOfSize = 0x8221F268;
 MW1_R_AddCmdDrawText = 0x8216C0B8;
 MW1_CG_DrawRotatedPicPhysical = 0x82318A88;
 MW1_R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic = 0x8216BAE8;
 MW1_CG_TraceCapsule = 0x8235D7D0;
 MW1_CG_Trace = 0x8235D638;
 MW1_R_TextWidth = 0x8216EB00;
 MW1_SEH_StringEd_GetString = 0x821FA8A8;
 MW1_Cbuf_AddText = 0x82239FD0;
 MW1_Dvar_GetInt = 0x821D4C10;
 MW1_Dvar_GetBool = 0x821D15D8;
 MW1_DB_FindXAssetHeader = 0x822A0298;
 MW1_Centity = 0x823F5054;
 MW1_cgArray = 0x823F28A0;
 MW1_NoRecoil = 0x8232B7E0;
 MW1_RCS = 0x8232B7E0;

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//--OFFSETS BO1----------------------------------
#define BO1_Cl_ReadyToSendPacket 0x82239508//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_clientActive_t 0x829D9728//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_CL_RenderScene 0x8222B5D8//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_R_RenderScene 0x82634A30//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_centity_t 0x8296808C//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_cg_t 0x82964EA0//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_cgs_t 0x82964E64//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_AddCmdDrawText_t 0x8263EF00//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_AddCmdDrawStretchPic_t 0x8263EA68//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_DrawRotatedPicPhysical_t 0x821B86A8//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_DrawRotated_R3 0x82A06718//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_DvarGetBool 0x823E2890//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_CanSeeFriend 0x821B51B0//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_KeyIsDown 0x8223CCA8//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_GetPos 0x82156260//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_j_head 0x8311E48A//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_j_neck 0x8311E48C//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_NoRecoil 0x82227624//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_NoSpread1 0x8232786C//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_NoSpread2 0x821B7C04//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_WeaponSway 0x82195200//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_ZommingSway 0x82195D1C//BO1 TU11
#define BO1_Radar 0x821A819C//BO1 TU11
DWORD BO1_RefDefCalc = NULL;
DWORD BO1_RegTag = 0x822E1B58;

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//--OFFSETS BO2----------------------------------
#define BO2_Cl_ReadyToSendPacket 0x8225E930//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_clientActive_t 0x82C70F4C//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_CL_RenderScene 0x82262978//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_R_RenderScene 0x828AF5A0//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_centity_t 0x82BBC554//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_cg_t 0x82BBAE68//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_cgs_t 0x82BBAE44//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_AddCmdDrawText_t 0x828B8BA0//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_AddCmdDrawStretchPic_t 0x828B86C0//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_DrawRotatedPicPhysical_t 0x821C7F58//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_DrawRotated_R3 0x82CBC168//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_DvarGetBool 0x82461610//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_Dvar_GetString 0x82252EF8//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_CanSeeFriend 0x821C47B8//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_KeyIsDown 0x8226DB40//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_GetPos 0x821E9C08//BO2 TU18 0x8219F298
#define BO2_j_head 0x836C5C92//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_j_neck 0x836C5C94//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_j_helmet 0x836C5C90//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_j_spine4 0x836C5C8E//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_NoRecoil 0x82259BC8//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_NoSpread1 0x82254810//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_NoSpread2 0x821C7234//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_WeaponSway 0x826C6E6C//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_ZommingSway 0x826C7A7C//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_Radar 0x821B8FD0//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_SL_GetStringOfSize 0x825330B8//BO2 TU18
#define Aim_GetTagPos2BO2 0x821A1A40
#define BO2_SL_RegisterTag 0x82532DB0//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_Red_Boxes 0x821f5b7c//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_Laser 0x82255E1C//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_Cbuf_AddText 0x824015E0//BO2 TU18
#define BO2_CachedTag_GetTagPos 0x821E9DD0//BO2 TU18
DWORD BO2_RefDefCalc = NULL;
DWORD BO2_RegTag = 0x823599E0;
DWORD BO2_SV_GameSendServerCommand = 0x8242FB70;

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//Call of Duty - World at War -> Start
DWORD WAW_Cl_ReadyToSendPacket = 0x821B0DF8; //TU7 821B0DF8
DWORD WAW_Cl_DrawText = 0x821BF5B0; //TU7 821BF5B0
DWORD WAW_clientActive_t = NULL;   //TU7 UNKNOWN!
DWORD WAW_centity_t = 0x82510478; //TU7 82510478
DWORD WAW_refdef_s = NULL;   //TU7 UNKNOWN!
DWORD WAW_cg_t = 0x8268CD98; //TU7 8268CD98
DWORD WAW_cgs_t = 0x8268CD78; //TU7 8268CD78
DWORD WAW_AddCmdDrawText_t = 0x82401C30; //TU7 82401C30
DWORD WAW_AddCmdDrawStretchPic_t = 0x82401410; //TU7 82401410
DWORD WAW_DrawRotatedPicPhysical_t = 0x8215CEC0; //TU7 8215CEC0
DWORD WAW_DrawRotated_R3 = 0x82C143F8; //TU7 82C143F8
DWORD WAW_DvarGetBool = 0x822BE0E8; //TU7 822BE0E8
DWORD WAW_KeyIsDown = 0x821B2908; //TU7 821B2908
DWORD WAW_GetPos = 0x82123C08; //TU7 82123C08
DWORD WAW_j_head = 0x82DD4746; //TU7 82DD4746
DWORD WAW_j_neck = 0x82DD4748; //TU7 82DD4748
DWORD WAW_NoRecoil = 0x821A0BFC; //TU7 821A0BFC
DWORD WAW_NoSpread1 = 0x8215C7E4; //TU7 8215C7E4
DWORD WAW_NoSpread2 = 0x821A00C0; //TU7 821A00C0
DWORD WAW_WeaponSway = 0x8214789C; //TU7 8214789C
DWORD WAW_ZommingSway = 0x8214804C; //TU7 8214804C
DWORD WAW_Radar = 0x821548A4; //TU7 821548A4
//Call of Duty - World at War -> End

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Halo 3


byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x820C5CA3, data);
byte[] buffer2 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x820C5CAF, buffer2);
byte[] buffer3 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x8224C7FF, buffer3);
byte[] buffer4 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x8228A1AB, buffer4);
byte[] buffer5 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x8228A1C7, buffer5);
byte[] buffer6 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x8228A1D3, buffer6);
byte[] buffer7 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x8228A1DF, buffer7);
byte[] buffer8 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x8228A1F7, buffer8);
byte[] buffer9 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x8228A22B, buffer9);
byte[] buffer10 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x823814BF, buffer10);
byte[] buffer11 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x823A32BB, buffer11);
byte[] buffer12 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x823A6B47, buffer12);
byte[] buffer13 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x8254FD9B, buffer13);
byte[] buffer14 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x8254FDA7, buffer14);
byte[] buffer15 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x8254FE77, buffer15);
byte[] buffer16 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x8255F547, buffer16);
byte[] buffer17 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x82563BE3, buffer17);
byte[] buffer18 = new byte[] { 0x58 };
Util.SetMemory(0x82563C43, buffer18);

//AllMissions Unlocked
Util.SetMemory(Util.DecryptOffset(0x10f), new byte[] { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff });

// H3 Bypass-this is pointless
public static void BanBypass()
byte[] data = new byte[12];
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
int num2 = 0;
int num3 = new Random().Next(0, 10);
num2 = 0x30 | num3;
data = (byte)num2;
Util.SetMemory(0x82045CC8) + 13, new byte[] { 0x2f, 0x31, 0x2f, 0x44, 0x2f, 0x43, 0x44, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x39 });
Util.SetMemory(0x82045CC8) + 0x19, data);
byte[] buffer1 = new byte[2];
buffer1[0] = 0x2f;
Util.SetMemory(0x82045CC8) + 0x25, buffer1);
byte[] buffer2 = new byte[] { 0x15 };
Util.SetMemory(0x830EFC00) + 0x10, buffer2);
Util.SetMemory(0x830EFC00) + 0x40, new byte[0x10]);
Util.XNotify(0x22, "Halo 3 Ban Bypassed");

//Instant 50
public static void Insta50()
byte[] data = new byte[] { 80 };
Util.SetMemory(0x82FA98C8), data);
byte[] buffer2 = new byte[] { 80 };
Util.SetMemory(0x82FA98C9), buffer2);
byte[] buffer3 = new byte[] { 80 };
Util.SetMemory(0x82FA9A00), buffer3);
byte[] buffer4 = new byte[] { 80 };
Util.SetMemory(0x82FA9A01), buffer4);

//Name Templates
private void Bungie2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Util.SetByte(0x82f84d1f, 4);
int num = Util.GetInt16(0x82f84dd8);
Util.SetInt(0x82f84dd8, num + 1);


private void Pro_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Util.SetByte(0x82f84d1f, 2);
int num = Util.GetInt16(0x82f84dd8);
Util.SetInt(0x82f84dd8, num + 1);


private void Column2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Util.SetByte(0x82f84d1f, 9);
int num = Util.GetInt16(0x82f84dd8);
Util.SetInt(0x82f84dd8, num + 1);



//Rapid Fire
byte rapidfire[4] = { 0xc1, 0x6b, 0, 0xa8 };
SetMemory((PVOID)0x823B9D60, rapidfire, 4);//rapid fire

//Super Jump and Speed
byte Reachsuperjump[4] = { 0xc3, 0xfd, 0x05, 0x58 };
byte Reachsuperspeed[1] = { 0x20 };
SetMemory((PVOID)0x82419A54, Reachsuperjump, 4);//Superspeed
SetMemory((PVOID)0x8213D85F, Reachsuperspeed, 1);//SuperJump

*(int*)0x824dcd80 = 0xc01e030c; // Aimbot
*(int*)0x824dcdb0 = 0xed090032; // Aimbot
*(int*)0x824dcd7c = 0x3d608201; // Aimbot
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public static void Credits()
byte[] memory = Util.GetMemory(Util.DecryptOffset(0x128), 4);
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((int) (BitConverter.ToInt32(memory, 0) + 0x30d40));
Util.SetMemory(0x8390f348, bytes);

public static void EndGame()
byte[] data = new byte[] { 1 };
Util.SetMemory(Util.DecryptOffset(300), data);

public static Tuple<string, string> GrabIps(int index)
uint address = ((uint) (index * Util.DecryptByte(0x1af))) + Util.DecryptOffset(0xc5);
byte[] memory = Util.GetMemory(address + 0x71, 30);
string str = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(memory);
string str2 = Util.ConvertBytesToIP(Util.GetMemory(address, 4));
return Tuple.Create<string, string>(str, str2);

public static void GrimEmblem()
byte[] data = new byte[] { 20 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d56, data);
byte[] buffer2 = new byte[] { 0x30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d57, buffer2);
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, new byte[1]);
byte[] buffer3 = new byte[] { 0x16 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer3);
byte[] buffer4 = new byte[] { 0x16 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer4);
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d58, new byte[1]);

public static void HauntedHelmet()
byte[] data = new byte[] { 2 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d61, data);

public static void LegendaryComplete()
Util.SetMemory(Util.DecryptOffset(0x129), new byte[] {
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff

public static void MaxRank()
byte[] memory = Util.GetMemory(Util.DecryptOffset(0x127), 4);
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((int) (BitConverter.ToInt32(memory, 0) + 0x3b9ac9ff));
Util.SetMemory(0x8390f348, bytes);

public static void ReachCommsUnlocked()
for (uint i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x7f };
Util.SetMemory(0x8390f350 + i, data);

public static void ReloadMap()
byte[] data = new byte[4];
data[0] = 1;
Util.SetMemory(Util.DecryptOffset(0x12d), data);

public static void UABase()
byte[] data = new byte[] { 1 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d61, data);

public static void UAMulti()
byte[] data = new byte[] { 2 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d61, data);

public static void UltraWhiteArmor()
byte[] data = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, data);
byte[] buffer2 = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer2);
byte[] buffer3 = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer3);
byte[] buffer4 = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer4);
byte[] buffer5 = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer5);

private void HaloReach3rdPerson_CheckedChanged(object sender) {
if (this.xrd) {
byte[] data = new byte[4];
data[0] = 60;
Util.SetMemory(Util.DecryptOffset(0x126), data);
this.xrd = false;
else {
Util.SetMemory(Util.DecryptOffset(0x126), new byte[] { 0x4b, 0xce, 0x3a, 0x15 });
this.xrd = true;
private void HaloReach7thColumn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x10, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, data);

private void HaloReachAllStar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
byte[] data = new byte[] { 0xc0, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, data);
private void HaloReachAR_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x90, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, data);
private void HaloReachBlank_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
byte[] data = new byte[2];
data[1] = 5;
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, data);

private void HaloReachDMR_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x20, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, data);

private void HaloReachGTSpoofBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (this.haloreachrtegtbox.Checked) {
Util.SetMemory(Util.DecryptOffset(0x10d), Util.WideChar(this.HaloReachGTSpoofBox.Text));
private void HaloReachHalo1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
byte[] data = new byte[] { 80, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, data);
private void HaloReachHalo2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x60, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, data);
private void HaloReachHalo3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x70, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, data);
private void HaloReachHaloLogo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
byte[] data = new byte[] { 0xb0, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, data);

private void HaloReachNameplateCycle_CheckedChanged(object sender) {
if (this.nameTag) {
KeepRunning4 = true;
Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate {
while (Form1.KeepRunning4) {
byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x20, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, data);
byte[] buffer2 = new byte[] { 0x30, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, buffer2);
byte[] buffer3 = new byte[] { 0x40, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, buffer3);
byte[] buffer4 = new byte[] { 80, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, buffer4);
byte[] buffer5 = new byte[] { 0x60, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, buffer5);
byte[] buffer6 = new byte[] { 0x70, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, buffer6);
byte[] buffer7 = new byte[] { 0x80, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, buffer7);
byte[] buffer8 = new byte[] { 0x90, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, buffer8);
byte[] buffer9 = new byte[] { 160, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, buffer9);
byte[] buffer10 = new byte[] { 0xb0, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, buffer10);
byte[] buffer11 = new byte[] { 0xc0, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, buffer11);

private void HaloReachSkullHelmet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
byte[] data = new byte[] { 2 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d61, data);
private void HaloReachSpartanHelmet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
byte[] data = new byte[] { 160, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, data);

private void HaloReachTribal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x40, 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x833cd032, data);
private void halorFlashingGT_CheckedChanged(object sender) {
if (this.flashing) {
KeepRunning4 = true;
Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate {
while (KeepRunning4) {
Util.SetMemory(Util.DecryptOffset(0x10d), Util.WideChar(this.HaloReachGTSpoofBox.Text));
Util.SetMemory(Util.DecryptOffset(0x10d), Util.WideChar(""));
Util.SetMemory(Util.DecryptOffset(0x10d), Util.WideChar(this.HaloReachGTSpoofBox.Text));
this.flashing = false;
else {
KeepRunning4 = false;
this.flashing = true;
private void halorRainbowToggle_CheckedChanged(object sender) {
if (this.makeItRain) {
KeepRunning = true;
Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate {
while (Form1.KeepRunning) {
byte[] data = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, data);
byte[] buffer2 = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer2);
byte[] buffer3 = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer3);
byte[] buffer4 = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer4);
byte[] buffer5 = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer5);
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, new byte[1]);
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, new byte[1]);
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, new byte[1]);
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, new byte[1]);
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, new byte[1]);
byte[] buffer6 = new byte[] { 0x17 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer6);
byte[] buffer7 = new byte[] { 0x17 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer7);
byte[] buffer8 = new byte[] { 0x17 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer8);
byte[] buffer9 = new byte[] { 0x17 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer9);
byte[] buffer10 = new byte[] { 0x17 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer10);
byte[] buffer11 = new byte[] { 0x18 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer11);
byte[] buffer12 = new byte[] { 0x18 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer12);
byte[] buffer13 = new byte[] { 0x18 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer13);
byte[] buffer14 = new byte[] { 0x18 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer14);
byte[] buffer15 = new byte[] { 0x18 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer15);
byte[] buffer16 = new byte[] { 0x16 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer16);
byte[] buffer17 = new byte[] { 0x16 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer17);
byte[] buffer18 = new byte[] { 0x16 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer18);
byte[] buffer19 = new byte[] { 0x16 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer19);
byte[] buffer20 = new byte[] { 0x16 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer20);
byte[] buffer21 = new byte[] { 1 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer21);
byte[] buffer22 = new byte[] { 1 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer22);
byte[] buffer23 = new byte[] { 1 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer23);
byte[] buffer24 = new byte[] { 1 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer24);
byte[] buffer25 = new byte[] { 1 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer25);
byte[] buffer26 = new byte[] { 2 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer26);
byte[] buffer27 = new byte[] { 2 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer27);
byte[] buffer28 = new byte[] { 2 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer28);
byte[] buffer29 = new byte[] { 2 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer29);
byte[] buffer30 = new byte[] { 2 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer30);
byte[] buffer31 = new byte[] { 3 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer31);
byte[] buffer32 = new byte[] { 3 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer32);
byte[] buffer33 = new byte[] { 3 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer33);
byte[] buffer34 = new byte[] { 3 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer34);
byte[] buffer35 = new byte[] { 3 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer35);
byte[] buffer36 = new byte[] { 4 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer36);
byte[] buffer37 = new byte[] { 4 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer37);
byte[] buffer38 = new byte[] { 4 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer38);
byte[] buffer39 = new byte[] { 4 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer39);
byte[] buffer40 = new byte[] { 4 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer40);
byte[] buffer41 = new byte[] { 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer41);
byte[] buffer42 = new byte[] { 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer42);
byte[] buffer43 = new byte[] { 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer43);
byte[] buffer44 = new byte[] { 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer44);
byte[] buffer45 = new byte[] { 5 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer45);
byte[] buffer46 = new byte[] { 6 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer46);
byte[] buffer47 = new byte[] { 6 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer47);
byte[] buffer48 = new byte[] { 6 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer48);
byte[] buffer49 = new byte[] { 6 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer49);
byte[] buffer50 = new byte[] { 6 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer50);
byte[] buffer51 = new byte[] { 7 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer51);
byte[] buffer52 = new byte[] { 7 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer52);
byte[] buffer53 = new byte[] { 7 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer53);
byte[] buffer54 = new byte[] { 7 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer54);
byte[] buffer55 = new byte[] { 7 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer55);
byte[] buffer56 = new byte[] { 8 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer56);
byte[] buffer57 = new byte[] { 8 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer57);
byte[] buffer58 = new byte[] { 8 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer58);
byte[] buffer59 = new byte[] { 8 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer59);
byte[] buffer60 = new byte[] { 8 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer60);
byte[] buffer61 = new byte[] { 9 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer61);
byte[] buffer62 = new byte[] { 9 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer62);
byte[] buffer63 = new byte[] { 9 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer63);
byte[] buffer64 = new byte[] { 9 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer64);
byte[] buffer65 = new byte[] { 9 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer65);
byte[] buffer66 = new byte[] { 10 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer66);
byte[] buffer67 = new byte[] { 10 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer67);
byte[] buffer68 = new byte[] { 10 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer68);
byte[] buffer69 = new byte[] { 10 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer69);
byte[] buffer70 = new byte[] { 10 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer70);
byte[] buffer71 = new byte[] { 11 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer71);
byte[] buffer72 = new byte[] { 11 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer72);
byte[] buffer73 = new byte[] { 11 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer73);
byte[] buffer74 = new byte[] { 11 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer74);
byte[] buffer75 = new byte[] { 11 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer75);
byte[] buffer76 = new byte[] { 12 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer76);
byte[] buffer77 = new byte[] { 12 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer77);
byte[] buffer78 = new byte[] { 12 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer78);
byte[] buffer79 = new byte[] { 12 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer79);
byte[] buffer80 = new byte[] { 12 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer80);
byte[] buffer81 = new byte[] { 13 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer81);
byte[] buffer82 = new byte[] { 13 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer82);
byte[] buffer83 = new byte[] { 13 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer83);
byte[] buffer84 = new byte[] { 13 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer84);
byte[] buffer85 = new byte[] { 13 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer85);
byte[] buffer86 = new byte[] { 14 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer86);
byte[] buffer87 = new byte[] { 14 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer87);
byte[] buffer88 = new byte[] { 14 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer88);
byte[] buffer89 = new byte[] { 14 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer89);
byte[] buffer90 = new byte[] { 14 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer90);
byte[] buffer91 = new byte[] { 15 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer91);
byte[] buffer92 = new byte[] { 15 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer92);
byte[] buffer93 = new byte[] { 15 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer93);
byte[] buffer94 = new byte[] { 15 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer94);
byte[] buffer95 = new byte[] { 15 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer95);
byte[] buffer96 = new byte[] { 0x10 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer96);
byte[] buffer97 = new byte[] { 0x10 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer97);
byte[] buffer98 = new byte[] { 0x10 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer98);
byte[] buffer99 = new byte[] { 0x10 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer99);
byte[] buffer100 = new byte[] { 0x10 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer100);
byte[] buffer101 = new byte[] { 0x11 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer101);
byte[] buffer102 = new byte[] { 0x11 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer102);
byte[] buffer103 = new byte[] { 0x11 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer103);
byte[] buffer104 = new byte[] { 0x11 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer104);
byte[] buffer105 = new byte[] { 0x11 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer105);
byte[] buffer106 = new byte[] { 0x12 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer106);
byte[] buffer107 = new byte[] { 0x12 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer107);
byte[] buffer108 = new byte[] { 0x12 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer108);
byte[] buffer109 = new byte[] { 0x12 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer109);
byte[] buffer110 = new byte[] { 0x12 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer110);
byte[] buffer111 = new byte[] { 0x13 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer111);
byte[] buffer112 = new byte[] { 0x13 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer112);
byte[] buffer113 = new byte[] { 0x13 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer113);
byte[] buffer114 = new byte[] { 0x13 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer114);
byte[] buffer115 = new byte[] { 0x13 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer115);
byte[] buffer116 = new byte[] { 20 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer116);
byte[] buffer117 = new byte[] { 20 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer117);
byte[] buffer118 = new byte[] { 20 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer118);
byte[] buffer119 = new byte[] { 20 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer119);
byte[] buffer120 = new byte[] { 20 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer120);
byte[] buffer121 = new byte[] { 0x15 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer121);
byte[] buffer122 = new byte[] { 0x15 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer122);
byte[] buffer123 = new byte[] { 0x15 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer123);
byte[] buffer124 = new byte[] { 0x15 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer124);
byte[] buffer125 = new byte[] { 0x15 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer125);
byte[] buffer126 = new byte[] { 0x16 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer126);
byte[] buffer127 = new byte[] { 0x16 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer127);
byte[] buffer128 = new byte[] { 0x16 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer128);
byte[] buffer129 = new byte[] { 0x16 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer129);
byte[] buffer130 = new byte[] { 0x16 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer130);
byte[] buffer131 = new byte[] { 0x19 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer131);
byte[] buffer132 = new byte[] { 0x19 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer132);
byte[] buffer133 = new byte[] { 0x19 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer133);
byte[] buffer134 = new byte[] { 0x19 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer134);
byte[] buffer135 = new byte[] { 0x19 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer135);
byte[] buffer136 = new byte[] { 0x1a };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer136);
byte[] buffer137 = new byte[] { 0x1a };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer137);
byte[] buffer138 = new byte[] { 0x1a };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer138);
byte[] buffer139 = new byte[] { 0x1a };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer139);
byte[] buffer140 = new byte[] { 0x1a };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer140);
byte[] buffer141 = new byte[] { 0x1b };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer141);
byte[] buffer142 = new byte[] { 0x1b };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer142);
byte[] buffer143 = new byte[] { 0x1b };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer143);
byte[] buffer144 = new byte[] { 0x1b };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer144);
byte[] buffer145 = new byte[] { 0x1b };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer145);
byte[] buffer146 = new byte[] { 0x1c };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer146);
byte[] buffer147 = new byte[] { 0x1c };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer147);
byte[] buffer148 = new byte[] { 0x1c };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer148);
byte[] buffer149 = new byte[] { 0x1c };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer149);
byte[] buffer150 = new byte[] { 0x1c };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer150);
byte[] buffer151 = new byte[] { 0x1d };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer151);
byte[] buffer152 = new byte[] { 0x1d };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer152);
byte[] buffer153 = new byte[] { 0x1d };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer153);
byte[] buffer154 = new byte[] { 0x1d };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer154);
byte[] buffer155 = new byte[] { 0x1d };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer155);
byte[] buffer156 = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4b, buffer156);
byte[] buffer157 = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d4f, buffer157);
byte[] buffer158 = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d59, buffer158);
byte[] buffer159 = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5a, buffer159);
byte[] buffer160 = new byte[] { 30 };
Util.SetMemory(0x83959d5b, buffer160);

private void halorsetgravity_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Util.SetFloat(Util.DecryptOffset(0x1ed), float.Parse(this.gravitybar.Value.ToString()));

public static uint DecryptOffset(uint lube) {
uint x = 0;
switch (lube) {
case 0: return 0x81AA261C;
case 1: return 0x81D44B74;
case 2: return 0x8168A7F0;
case 3: return 0x818E9028;
case 4: return 0x818ED72C;
case 5: return 0x9015C15C;
case 6: return 0x9015C108;
case 7: return 0x81D43E40;
case 8: return 0x81AA18F0;
case 9: return 0x81AA263C;
case 10: return 0x81AEE890;
case 11: return 0x81D44B94;
case 12: return 0x81D90DE8;
case 13: return 0x819CD630;
case 14: return 0x81829158;
case 15: return 0x81AEEF20;
case 16: return 0x81ACA8D8;
case 17: return 0xC13370B0;
case 18: return 0x81AEE68C;
case 19: return 0x82204BB8;
case 20: return 0x8287CD08;
case 21: return 0x82332FA0;
case 22: return 0x82274AC8;
case 23: return 0x8235AB18;
case 24: return 0x829BFE18;
case 25: return 0x82239FD0;
case 26: return 0x829BFDCC;
case 27: return 0x8224D030;
case 28: return 0x84C24BBC;
case 29: return 0x82439AF8;
case 30: return 0x84C24BE0;
case 31: return 0x84C495A8;
case 32: return 0x84C49728;
case 33: return 0x821D1478;
case 34: return 0x829BFD95;
case 35: return 0x8243D700;
case 36: return 0x822EDAA0;
case 37: return 0x82319514;
case 38: return 0x8233169C;
case 39: return 0x8233048C;
case 40: return 0x823225C8;
case 41: return 0x8232F58B;
case 42: return 0x82303ECF;
case 43: return 0x821D1570;
case 44: return 0x8364759D;
case 45: return 0x8317DA10;
case 46: return 0x836CEE08;
case 47: return 0x836E8858;
case 48: return 0x843EBB08;
case 49: return 0x836475C0;
case 50: return 0x836CEE48;
case 51: return 0x836E7AA0;
case 52: return 0x836E7AE0;
case 53: return 0x836E8890;
case 54: return 0x836E9930;
case 55: return 0x8371ED7C;
case 56: return 0x8224D8E0;
case 57: return 0x8228B560;
case 58: return 0x82ABCDF0;
case 59: return 0x8225CAB0;
case 60: return 0x8293A280;
case 61: return 0x82ABCE43;
case 62: return 0x8221C730;
case 63: return 0x821CBD10;
case 64: return 0x8221CFA8;
case 65: return 0x8440E0B8;
case 66: return 0x82149414;
case 67: return 0x820FE43B;
case 68: return 0x821048F0;
case 69: return 0x8228B488;
case 70: return 0x82285FA8;
case 71: return 0x82D134D0;
case 72: return 0x82BAD1B0;
case 73: return 0x82D13534;
case 74: return 0x82260C10;
case 75: return 0x8221AA40;
case 76: return 0x82261430;
case 77: return 0x852336B5;
case 78: return 0x82711DB8;
case 79: return 0x852336D8;
case 80: return 0x852D9308;
case 81: return 0x852D99B8;
case 82: return 0x852DBB28;
case 83: return 0x852DBCA8;
case 84: return 0x852F4900;
case 85: return 0x852F4A80;
case 86: return 0x852F4F40;
case 87: return 0x852F5008;
case 88: return 0x852F6658;
case 89: return 0x852F6730;
case 90: return 0x852F77D0;
case 91: return 0x8534CC1C;
case 92: return 0x85496DD0;
case 93: return 0x8226FF08;
case 94: return 0x822BE230;
case 95: return 0x82736D68;
case 96: return 0x822BE158;
case 97: return 0x821A0BFC;
case 98: return 0x8214353B;
case 99: return 0x8217B66B;
case 100: return 0x8227CF90;
case 101: return 0x8211A31C;
case 102: return 0x82330863;
case 103: return 0x820DA434;
case 104: return 0x82F03600;
case 105: return 0x82254940;
case 106: return 0x8220D310;
case 107: return 0x82210640;
case 108: return 0x821E1F90;
case 109: return 0x82210BC8;
case 110: return 0x8229F118;
case 111: return 0x8268EEC2;
case 112: return 0x8229EFC0;
case 113: return 0x838BA824;
case 114: return 0x838BA850;
case 115: return 0x838BA848;
case 116: return 0x82224A28;
case 117: return 0x82135BE3;
case 118: return 0x820F4233;
case 119: return 0x820EF12C;
case 120: return 0x821123A7;
case 121: return 0x826237E0;
case 122: return 0x8200183C;
case 123: return 0x82000858;
case 124: return 0x820E1724;
case 125: return 0x820E01AF;
case 126: return 0x82C32558;
case 127: return 0x82329850;
case 128: return 0x822C3E60;
case 129: return 0x82263BC0;
case 130: return 0x822C4B78;
case 131: return 0x82379CF8;
case 132: return 0x8230FD58;
case 133: return 0x8364B1C8;
case 134: return 0x82002B60;
case 135: return 0x820054E0;
case 136: return 0x82143E8C;
case 137: return 0x82140483;
case 138: return 0x821C1024;
case 139: return 0x8214B918;
case 140: return 0x8361983C;
case 141: return 0x82364E18;
case 142: return 0x82EDE540;
case 143: return 0x82323B78;
case 144: return 0x823281D8;
case 145: return 0x822CAA90;
case 146: return 0x82328F70;
case 147: return 0x829F8450;
case 148: return 0x8233E8D8;
case 149: return 0x8218C46B;
case 150: return 0x820037C0;
case 151: return 0x820036F4;
case 152: return 0x8219006C;
case 153: return 0x823E2368;
case 154: return 0x823E2380;
case 155: return 0x823E2350;
case 156: return 0x82227624;
case 157: return 0x821A819F;
case 158: return 0x821DFEF8;
case 159: return 0x829BE624;
case 160: return 0x823E2E18;
case 161: return 0x8228E1F8;
case 162: return 0x83D784CC;
case 163: return 0x83D784F0;
case 164: return 0x82111BF4;
case 165: return 0x82359D87;
case 166: return 0x8235BB54;
case 167: return 0x82DCCC80;
case 168: return 0x822C9278;
case 169: return 0x8226EA20;
case 170: return 0x820F7DB0;
case 171: return 0x8223F940;
case 172: return 0x82272D88;
case 173: return 0x82720EEC;
case 174: return 0x839691AC;
case 175: return 0x82725AA0;
case 176: return 0x8272A498;
case 177: return 0x830CAB90;
case 178: return 0x839691D0;
case 179: return 0x83BBE200;
case 180: return 0x82287EE0;
case 181: return 0x82720EEC;
case 182: return 0x820F46DF;
case 183: return 0x820F63E4;
case 184: return 0x82001D68;
case 185: return 0x82000C04;
case 186: return 0x821614D4;
case 187: return 0x8210E58C;
case 188: return 0x821154A4;
case 189: return 0x826B81E8;
case 190: return 0x82135107;
case 191: return 0x82CAC3A0;
case 192: return 0x82BBD634;
case 193: return 0x82B7E640;
case 194: return 0xC49E11C8;
case 195: return 0xC89A0000;
case 196: return 0x83078D64;
case 197: return 0x8383058C;
case 198: return 0x846CD124;
case 199: return 0x833D0640;
case 200: return 0x8242FB70;
case 201: return 0x82160230;
case 202: return 0x823AB8B8;
case 203: return 0x8232F928;
case 204: return 0x823ACB78;
case 205: return 0x841E1B50;
case 206: return 0x824015E0;
case 207: return 0x8249E5A8;
case 208: return 0x82497EB0;
case 209: return 0x826B7687;
case 210: return 0x82085654;
case 211: return 0x82003FD4;
case 212: return 0x826BE71C;
case 213: return 0x82259BC8;
case 214: return 0x82C15758;
case 215: return 0x821B8FD3;
case 216: return 0x8243D708;
case 217: return 0x8263A6A0;
case 218: return 0x82472B80;
case 219: return 0x823E5BF8;
case 220: return 0x835838CC;
case 221: return 0x83A6C144;
case 222: return 0x82B55908;
case 223: return 0x83067AE0;
case 224: return 0x830C68F8;
case 225: return 0x82B4F1D4;
case 226: return 0x8408E7FD;
case 227: return 0x8408E801;
case 228: return 0x8408E805;
case 229: return 0x8408E549;
case 230: return 0x8408E415;
case 231: return 0x8408E819;
case 232: return 0x820CDCE8;
case 233: return 0x8408E87D;
case 234: return 0x8408E3B1;
case 235: return 0x8337B680;
case 236: return 0x8408E3F1;
case 237: return 0x84085000;
case 238: return 0x830A6D6C;
case 239: return 0x830A8BCB;
case 240: return 0x83959D54;
case 241: return 0x830A6DD0;
case 242: return 0x830A6DD4;
case 243: return 0x830A6DD8;
case 244: return 0x830A6DDC;
case 245: return 0x830A6D74;
case 246: return 0x830A6DA4;
case 247: return 0x830A6DAC;
case 248: return 0x830A6DB0;
case 249: return 0x830A6DA0;
case 250: return 0x830A6DE8;
case 251: return 0x830A6DEC;
case 252: return 0x830A6DC6;
case 253: return 0x830A8C21;
case 254: return 0x8306C460;
case 255: return 0x827188C3;
case 256: return 0x827188C4;
case 257: return 0x830A70D0;
case 258: return 0x830A70F3;
case 259: return 0x830A8BD3;
case 260: return 0x830A8BDC;
case 261: return 0x820168A8;
case 262: return 0x8226D2B4;
case 263: return 0x843546B2;
case 264: return 0x84352AC8;
case 265: return 0x8435429F;
case 266: return 0x843543AC;
case 267: return 0x843543A9;
case 268: return 0x8434AF80;
case 269: return 0x81AA261C;
case 270: return 0x82045CC8;
case 271: return 0xC218CC2C;
case 272: return 0x843DECB4;
case 273: return 0x83AE203C;
case 274: return 0x843491A4;
case 275: return 0x84348D00;
case 276: return 0x84348AD2;
case 277: return 0x843492E2;
case 278: return 0x84348D72;
case 279: return 0x843491E0;
case 280: return 0x843491B6;
case 281: return 0x8434929A;
case 282: return 0x84348BD4;
case 283: return 0x8435292E;
case 284: return 0x843491BC;
case 285: return 0x8476F263;
case 286: return 0x8476F263;
case 287: return 0x83959D74;
case 288: return 0x824DCD80;
case 289: return 0x824DCDB0;
case 290: return 0x824DCD7C;
case 291: return 0x823B9D60;
case 292: return 0x8213D85F;
case 293: return 0x82419A54;
case 294: return 0x824FB884;
case 295: return 0x8390F348;
case 296: return 0x8390F348;
case 297: return 0x83959C40;
case 298: return 0x8390F350;
case 299: return 0x825958D4;
case 300: return 0x8367E31E;
case 301: return 0x8322EF60;
case 302: return 0x8226539B;
case 303: return 0x82265793;
case 304: return 0x822657FF;
case 305: return 0x825DCA68;
case 306: return 0x82631630;
case 307: return 0x82B55908;
case 308: return 0x82B4F1D4;
case 309: return 0x8244C738;
case 310: return 0x82B55908;
case 311: return 0x8244C738;
case 312: return 0x824F29BC;
case 313: return 0x82307DC0;
case 314: return 0x825958D4;
case 315: return 0x841E1B30;
case 316: return 0x81AA261D;
case 317: return 0x831A0DCC;
case 318: return 0x824D95E8;
case 319: return 0x8242D378;
case 320: return 0x8224A370;
case 321: return 0x823EFB80;
case 322: return 0x82432170;
case 323: return 0x822CC830;
case 324: return 0x81ACA8E0;
case 325: return 0x82230DD4;
case 326: return 0x82610920;
case 327: return 0x8262FB0C;
case 328: return 0x825D6CC4;
case 329: return 0x820656A0;
case 330: return 0x82794980;
case 331: return 0x82654168;
case 332: return 0x8248D450;
case 333: return 0x824DA200;
case 334: return 0x8264D088;
case 335: return 0x82491238;
case 336: return 0x838AD900;
case 337: return 0x821F608C;
case 338: return 0x821F5B7F;
case 339: return 0x821A6AD0;
case 340: return 0x822BD1F4;
case 341: return 0x85349907;
case 342: return 0x853498A0;
case 343: return 0x853498A4;
case 344: return 0x853498A8;
case 345: return 0x830A6DD8;
case 346: return 0x853498B0;
case 347: return 0x853498AC;
case 348: return 0x853498CC;
case 349: return 0x83F0A35C;
case 350: return 0x83304A1C;
case 351: return 0x801A9DCC;
case 352: return 0x801A9DD1;
case 353: return 0x81AAC0D1;
case 354: return 0x81AAC0D5;
case 355: return 0x81AAC0DB;
case 356: return 0x81AAC0D9;
case 357: return 0x81AAC0DA;
case 358: return 0x82718A32;
case 359: return 0x82718A59;
case 360: return 0x8253A508;
case 361: return 0x84348A9C;
case 362: return 0x84348AD8;
case 363: return 0x84348AA8;
case 364: return 0x84348ACC;
case 365: return 0x84348AA0;
case 366: return 0x84348AD0;
case 367: return 0x84348A14;
case 368: return 0x84348AC4;
case 369: return 0x84348AC8;
case 370: return 0x83098750;
case 371: return 0x84085EA7;
case 372: return 0x840870E1;
case 373: return 0x84087141;
case 374: return 0x84089CC7;
case 375: return 0x82718EE0;
case 376: return 0x84C5F1E0;
case 377: return 0x84C5EEC0;
case 378: return 0x84C5EEFC;
case 379: return 0x84C5EECC;
case 380: return 0x84C5EEC4;
case 381: return 0x84C5EF08;
case 382: return 0x84C5EF14;
case 383: return 0x84C5EF18;
case 384: return 0x84C5EF00;
case 385: return 0x84C5EEDC;
case 386: return 0x84C5EED0;
case 387: return 0x84C5EEF4;
case 388: return 0x84C5EF24;
case 389: return 0x82205C38;
case 390: return 0x84348C00;
case 391: return 0x84348A25;
case 392: return 0x8209C764;
case 393: return 0x8266EEB0;
case 394: return 0x821F7348;
case 395: return 0x83687FC8;
case 396: return 0x00005DFC;
case 397: return 0x000001D4;
case 398: return 0x00000064;
case 399: return 0x00000060;
case 400: return 0x00000200;
case 401: return 0x00000108;
case 402: return 0x000000E9;
case 403: return 0x00000148;
case 404: return 0x00000080;
case 405: return 0x0000007C;
case 406: return 0x822EA20C;
case 407: return 0x821CF808;
case 408: return 0x8278EFFC;
case 409: return 0x825876F4;
case 410: return 0x824DCEA0;
case 411: return 0x82265574;
case 412: return 0x82265588;
case 413: return 0x82591374;
case 414: return 0x823BC98C;
case 415: return 0x8219A500;
case 416: return 0x0000006C;
case 417: return 0x00000058;
case 418: return 0x000000B8;
case 419: return 0x000000C8;
case 420: return 0x00000058;
case 421: return 0x0000005C;
case 422: return 0x000000C0;
case 423: return 0x00000042;
case 424: return 0x00000046;
case 425: return 0x000001C0;
case 426: return 0x000000E8;
case 427: return 0x000000EC;
case 428: return 0x00000158;
case 429: return 0x000000B8;
case 430: return 0x000000BC;
case 431: return 0x00000178;
case 432: return 0x00000338;
case 433: return 0x00000088;
case 434: return 0x00000078;
case 435: return 0xC1339464;
case 436: return 0x816DD470;
case 437: return 0x816DD4E4;
case 438: return 0x816DD4DC;
case 439: return 0x816DD4D0;
case 440: return 0x00000078;
case 441: return 0x00000004;
case 442: return 0x00000118;
case 443: return 0x00000178;
case 444: return 0x00000350;
case 445: return 0x0000029C;
case 446: return 0x830EFC00;
case 447: return 0x820C5CA3;
case 448: return 0x820C5CAF;
case 449: return 0x8224C7FF;
case 450: return 0x8228A1AB;
case 451: return 0x8228A1C7;
case 452: return 0x8228A1D3;
case 453: return 0x8228A1DF;
case 454: return 0x8228A1F7;
case 455: return 0x8228A22B;
case 456: return 0x823814BF;
case 457: return 0x823A32BB;
case 458: return 0x823A6B47;
case 459: return 0x8254FD9B;
case 460: return 0x8254FDA7;
case 461: return 0x8254FE77;
case 462: return 0x8255F547;
case 463: return 0x82563BE3;
case 464: return 0x82563C43;
case 465: return 0x82FA98C8;
case 466: return 0x82FA98C9;
case 467: return 0x82FA9A00;
case 468: return 0x82FA9A01;
case 469: return 0x00000008;
case 470: return 0x00000010;
case 471: return 0x00000014;
case 472: return 0x0000001C;
case 473: return 0x00000018;
case 474: return 0x00000024;
case 475: return 0x00000048;
case 476: return 0x0000004C;
case 477: return 0x00000054;
case 478: return 0x00000050;
case 479: return 0x00000028;
case 480: return 0x00004F28;
case 481: return 0x00000FE6;
case 482: return 0x000000AE;
case 483: return 0x00004C30;
case 484: return 0x00000085;
case 485: return 0x0000005D;
case 486: return 0x00000089;
case 487: return 0x000000D6;
case 488: return 0x0000008D;
case 489: return 0x0000006D;
case 490: return 0x00000092;
case 491: return 0x00000075;
case 492: return 0x000042E4;
case 493: return 0x8203BC64;
return x;
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Ban reason: Leeching and Spamming is not allowed, please read the forum Rules upon your return.
(Spamming weird links in here)
this is just c&p code from leaked sources. please at least try to make it look like you released something useful.
Freelance .NET & PHP Developer and Personal/Product GFX Artist
[Image: glJMOVQ.gif]
thanks buddy will have a look
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Ban reason: Multi
(12-26-2019 - 10:22 AM)Darkdos04 Wrote: MW3 Tu24 Offsets  and Tu24 Codes 
[Image: eZYKdLc.png]
nice release buddy
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Ban reason: Multi
it may be C&P, but at least they're being brought to the front.
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Ban reason: Multi
this is just a opy and paste from a tool
jesus fuckin hell
This account is currently banned
Ban reason: leeching and spamming
very interesting post
hmm nice share i guess

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