Go to ACP >> Templates >> Forumbit templates >> forumbit_depth2_forum
and find....
If you want to add icons to categorys also you need to do the same for "forumbit_depth2_cat"
Now go to your FTP >> Your Forum Path >> images >> create a folder named "ficons" and upload the icon images inside it named with forum id (1,2,3 etc.)
So for a forum whose id is 4, you need to upload a file named 4.png inside /images/ficons folder...
You can check the forum or category id by right click to the default icons of your forum or category >> Inspect >> and look for """ id="mark_read_3" """
and find....
If you want to add icons to categorys also you need to do the same for "forumbit_depth2_cat"
Now go to your FTP >> Your Forum Path >> images >> create a folder named "ficons" and upload the icon images inside it named with forum id (1,2,3 etc.)
So for a forum whose id is 4, you need to upload a file named 4.png inside /images/ficons folder...
You can check the forum or category id by right click to the default icons of your forum or category >> Inspect >> and look for """ id="mark_read_3" """
I like good resources.. and half-life.