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A Comprehensive Guide to Residential Agents, the Basics Newbies Must Know!

by hipias5proxy - 11-06-2023 - 12:13 PM
一:What is a residential agent?
Residential proxy is a proxy service that hides the user's real IP address using a real residential network IP address, thus protecting the user's privacy and anonymity. This proxy service is usually implemented by installing software on a personal home computer or mobile device to share its Internet connection with external users. Compared with data center proxies, residential proxies are more difficult to identify by target websites. At the same time, they can simulate the access behavior of real users and improve the stability and reliability of crawlers. However, it should be noted that the use of residential agents also needs to comply with relevant laws and regulations and must not be used for illegal activities.

二:Advantages of residential agency:
High security: Using a residential proxy can protect the user's real IP address from being leaked, thereby increasing the security of network access.
Fast speed: Residential proxies usually use high-speed network connections, which can provide faster network access speeds.
Good stability: Residential proxies usually use fixed IP addresses, which can provide more stable network access.
Diverse regions: Residential proxies can provide IP addresses from different regions, which can make users' network access more diverse and rich.


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