100 Vjet WordPress Theme Features
2 Featured Sliders (full or half width) for homepage and categories
Unlimited Sidebars
500+ Google fonts
Unlimited Colors (with color picker)
Custom Widgets
Huge amount of shortcodes
Featured Box in Category page (with different options)
Awesome Underconstruction Page (Easy to switch from Admin Panel)
Share/Like Social buttons
Sidebar position (left, right or none) for pages, posts and categories
Custom background image or/and color for every category
SEO / Social Media
Drop down menus
Language Localization Support (.po/.mo),
Organized CSS files, including easy to use Media-Queries sections
Different advertisement spots and options,
5th Level Threaded Comments
Custom Widgets
Child Theme Support
Theme Update Notifier
Fully Layered PSD Files
Frendly Google Map Locator
Slideshows within the content
2 custom post formats (image and video),
Use your custom logo, background image and favicon.
Ready to import content and settings as in demo version
2 Featured Sliders (full or half width) for homepage and categories
Unlimited Sidebars
500+ Google fonts
Unlimited Colors (with color picker)
Custom Widgets
Huge amount of shortcodes
Featured Box in Category page (with different options)
Awesome Underconstruction Page (Easy to switch from Admin Panel)
Share/Like Social buttons
Sidebar position (left, right or none) for pages, posts and categories
Custom background image or/and color for every category
SEO / Social Media
Drop down menus
Language Localization Support (.po/.mo),
Organized CSS files, including easy to use Media-Queries sections
Different advertisement spots and options,
5th Level Threaded Comments
Custom Widgets
Child Theme Support
Theme Update Notifier
Fully Layered PSD Files
Frendly Google Map Locator
Slideshows within the content
2 custom post formats (image and video),
Use your custom logo, background image and favicon.
Ready to import content and settings as in demo version