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GameKit scammers?

by ilovemars - 12-26-2018 - 03:55 AM
So recently i fell upon an ad to get a free 10$ steam card,

[Image: piHa6gC]
(Incase image above dont work)

And so i followed the instructions join the community and get my free $10 steam card,
so not a bad day atall, UNTIL you actually sign up and they then make you earn points,
To get the free $10 you should've got just by joining as the ad stated.

So i went onto the discord and called them out for miss leading the customer (False Advertisement)
Which is against the law. There excuse to this was: "Its not miss leading nor false advertisement it just redirects you to a site where you earn points to get it so its still free". So i said to them: why does the ad not state that? And all they could say was the same fucking god dam thing over and over again.

And they said i was stupid, So i then said well im not the one lying to the public, And i then said well to anyone who clicked the ad it states a free $10 steam card just join the community to get it to then be told they have to do other stuff to get it of which the ad did not state had to be done.

I'll leave this one down to you's to figure out.

Is this a scam by false advertisement?
Is this legit?

Comment below what you think, Just keep in mind you've just clicked the ad and seen what its stated what would you expect?
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