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by MoonL1gth - 08-28-2023 - 09:49 PM

  1.  Always start with reconnaissance: gather as much information as possible about the target system or network. Use tools such as nmap, whois, dig and OSINT techniques to gather information.
  2. Check for injection vulnerabilities: such as SQL injection, LDAP injection and XML injection. These are common vulnerabilities that can allow attackers to execute malicious code on the target system.
  3. Test file inclusion vulnerabilities: such as local file inclusion (LFI) and remote file inclusion (RFI). These vulnerabilities can allow attackers to include and execute files on the target system.
  4. Testing cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities: which allow attackers to inject malicious code into a web page viewed by other users.tera 
  5. Check for weak encryption protocols and configurations: such as SSL/TLS and SSH. These protocols may be vulnerable to attacks such as man-in-the-middle.
  6. Use privilege escalation techniques to gain administrative privileges on the target system. This can allow attackers to access sensitive information and perform malicious actions.
  7. Social engineering is a psychological attack in which an attacker manipulates an individual into performing an action that is not in their best interest. As a pentester, you can use social engineering tactics to gain access to secure systems and networks.
  8. Brute force attacks are a type of cyberattack in which an attacker attempts to guess a password or encryption key by repeatedly trying different combinations. You can use this technique to test the strength of a password or encryption algorithm.
  9. Vulnerability scanning is the process of identifying vulnerabilities in software and networks. You can use automated tools to scan a network or application to identify vulnerabilities such as outdated software or configuration problems.
  10. Exploiting known vulnerabilities: Once you have identified vulnerabilities in a system, you can exploit them to gain access or perform other actions. This could involve running a script or tool that exploits this vulnerability.
  11. Wireless network testing: You can use tools such as Aircrack-ng to capture and analyze wireless network traffic, or perform a wireless network audit to identify vulnerabilities.
  12. Physical security testing consists of testing the physical security of a building or facility. Techniques such as lock picking, social engineering or tailgating can be used to gain access to secure areas. This can help identify weaknesses in physical security measures that could be exploited by attackers.

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