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is ww2 worth it

by Xboxmods - 11-06-2017 - 08:42 PM
everyone's views on WW2 thinking of getting it but not sure
I really enjoy WW2 the campaign is good and the no health regeneration makes it a little more realistic and the multiplayer is pretty good as well some guns are a little more OP than others and you will get frustrated at times but like I said I am enjoying it. Lastly, zombies mode is a little bit different to traditional Treyarch mechanics, in my opinion, it is a lot harder to get down as there is no jugg but shields. The map also isn't that hard honestly. If I had to rate it out of 10, I would give it an 8/10.
Yup. Definitely worth it imo.
(11-07-2017 - 05:35 AM)Gushyz Wrote: I really enjoy WW2 the campaign is good and the no health regeneration makes it a little more realistic and the multiplayer is pretty good as well some guns are a little more OP than others and you will get frustrated at times but like I said I am enjoying it. Lastly, zombies mode is a little bit different to traditional Treyarch mechanics, in my opinion, it is a lot harder to get down as there is no jugg but shields. The map also isn't that hard honestly. If I had to rate it out of 10, I would give it an 8/10.

thank you for this reply, it really gave me the opinion I was looking for. I wanted to hear someone else's opinion on it before I purchase the game.
[Image: UtiSCuf.gif]
Awesome man I recommend it
its a cod game, if you like cod then get it
new user learn and from the great gods.

New user just do it, learn and from the great gods.
Is the multiplayer experience as broken as I'm led to believe? I want to pick it up, but it would be for MP
I have only been playing it for a few hours but I can honestly say I have missed botg. I love the way it feels probably because my roots as a botg player. but I love the campaign and the multiplayer is amazing haven't played zombies yet but the videos I have watched make it look so awesome.
Freelance .NET & PHP Developer and Personal/Product GFX Artist
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you should start playing other games than cod, like runescape. The best fps there is.

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