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Liberals Want To Take My Rights Away

by Rick - 03-05-2018 - 03:25 AM
So here recently in the US there have been a lot of mass shootings. particularly since Obama took office. Coincidence? maybe. I find it funny that every time there is a mass shooting the liberals and democrats all come together like a bunch of feminist with their menstrual cycle in alignment about to march on dc wearing pussy hats to protest our american right among other silly things.

The main thing these Liberals want is to ban all guns. Given there is some liberals that just want stricter gun laws and checks when buying a gun. But I am gonna break this down piece by piece and expose liberal logic. I dare you to argue with me.

Liberals say they want stricter gun laws and more checks when purchasing a gun. To them I say this is not really the issue. When buying a gun it may differ from state to state. In my state, You must be at least 18 to apply for a gun permit to own special weapons and 18 to buy a normal weapon such as a pistol or a shotgun. When you apply you are required to go through a waiting process before acquiring your gun. During this process several checks are done such as federal & state background checks, mental stability checks, etc. after the waiting period is up you may take your new gun home. The problem with this is if you do not pass all of these checks or refuse to take the legal way of obtaining a gun, you go the other route which is buying your gun from a criminal off the street or black market. Most guns used in mass shooting were obtained illegally. So stricter gun laws will not help when you can buy them from a criminal who could give two shits what you do with the gun. According to liberals it is easy to buy a gun. apparently they have never seen how easy it is to buy it illegally which brings me to my next argument; ban guns completely? No. Stupid idea.

Liberals want to ban guns completely like because according to research countries that have had guns outlawed for the last 100 years or more have significantly less mass shootings. To them I say, This is completely incorrect. these countries banned guns hundreds of years ago giving enough time from when guns could shoot a round per 5 minutes or however long it takes to reload to modern day to collect all the guns from civilians and even forcibly remove guns from the hands of criminals. Today we have so many guns not only registered legal guns owned by law abiding citizens but guns that are circulating on the street used by criminals and outlaws. If the president were to announce tomorrow that guns are now banned and every U.S citizen is mandated to turn in their weapons, Criminals will still have guns. You know this is? Because outlaws do not follow the law. Then we are faced with a bigger problem. We just removed the guns from law abiding citizens and gave the criminals the upper hand. which brings me to my next point; Guns kill people...? right? No.

Liberals say guns are a problem because they are dangerous and kill people. No. This is also wrong. According to the FBI Crime Stats more people were murdered in past years with knives & blunt objects than guns. But with that being said, it is still not my main argument. Guns do not kill people, people kill people. Guns protect people from people with smaller guns (American Dad Reference). Looking back at my first argument; If we remove the ability to own guns from law abiding citizens criminals will still have them. So what do we have to protect ourselves. Even if police and other law enforcement still are able to open carry their pistols on the job, police cannot be everywhere and save everyone. Guns are here not to kill but rather to protect ourselves and loved ones from those who wish to do harm with those guns (outlaws).

Liberals think making guns illegal will stop mass shootings. If this was fairy tale land and that actually would stop mass shootings then why not just make a law making it illegal to have mass shootings. Liberals don't use their brain. 

But back to the mass shooting aspect of this rant. Liberals want mass shootings to stop but instead of listening to conservative answers to american problems they want force their liberal beliefs on us. Conservative have given this much though and have offered many solutions from arming teachers to placing retired military veterans in public schools to protect our children. Instead they want to ban guns. Liberals see guns as weapons to protections. it is not a weapon if you don't use it as a weapon.

CNN and other 'fake news' constantly call these semi-auto (although legal in most states) rifles. Assault Rifles or the may refer to them as AR-15's which is another common liberal mistake or possibly just a fake news agenda. the AR in AR-15 does not stand for Assault Riffle AR is the company name that originally produced and manufactured the style of rifle that is still being manufactured by many companies today; Armalite. Back to what I stated before these rifles are semi automatic meaning they only shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger these guns have no fully automatic option and if they did would require a permit and or license to own and would require even more extensive background checks than say purchasing a Colt 1991 .45 pistol or a Remington 12 gauge shotgun.

Also Crisis Actor David Hogg. Yes it is true. don't believe me then why has he been on the news (CNN) 3 times in last 5 years for 2 shootings and 1 random event about a fight at the beach. People from the Florida school shooting have come out to media such as TV news saying that CNN offered them money to read a script but get turned down because the news would rather be fake than to report on the truth.

Rant over.
Freelance .NET & PHP Developer and Personal/Product GFX Artist
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