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Does allowing technology to run our lives give up personal autonomy?

by forrest - 10-20-2017 - 11:42 PM
Ponder this hypothetical situation: 

    You are sitting at a red light, in the dead of night, with no other cars coming for miles. You sit there patiently, waiting for the light to turn green, as if you were an obedient dog waiting for a treat. 

Why do you wait at the light? Why do you let this object created by man restrict your personal autonomy and freedom to move? Don't you think it would be wiser to just go on, running the red light, simply because the function the red light serves is meaningless within the context of the situation?

What would you do in this situation?
The real joke is that whatever the red light is keeping you from is a more meaningful action than waiting at a red light when you don't have to.
In a city nearby it's very common to go through a red light at night, because it is so violent and dangerous. One night an university student went through one when going back home, unfortunately a drunk man, driving his Porsche, way over the speed limit, brutally crash against her, he survived, she died. He is today a free man with a DUI, she is no longer.
It is not technology that constraint our choices, it's the need for guidelines and safety in a world where you are compelled to live in a society.

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