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Beginners Guide to the PlayStation 4

by Axe - 03-03-2016 - 09:34 PM
What's up, today i'm making a beginners guide to the Playstation 4 console by Sony. If you have any questions or any misunderstanding of the review, please leave a reply and I will return your reply as soon as possible. Helpful Links will be included at the bottom of the thread.


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Check out every released game of the PS4 here
Credit to metacritic for the list. 

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The DualShock 4

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The new DualShock 4 wireless controller features mostly the same controls in difference to your average gaming controller while introducing new and improved features as well to interact with games and your online community. The DualShock 4 improvises improved analog sticks and trigger buttons that give a greater sense of control and giving more freedom for experience rather than the previous generation DualShock 3. With the new touch pad opening endless opportunities to give gamers the upper hand and more in detail gaming experience, the evolution of the new DualShock 4 controller opens many doors for improvement and adjustments. 

The specs on the DualShock 4 controller leans at approximately 210g in weight. It includes many specifications such as the PS button, Share button, Options button, the Directional Pad including Up/Down/Left/Right, Performance buttons including Triangle/Square/Circle/Cross, Your R1/R2/L1/L2, Touch Pad, and of course your classic right and left analog sticks.

Share Button

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As you all know, the share button wasn't featured in the DualShock 3. This new button allows you to engage in more than enough challenges for not only you to face, but to be able to share these challenges and upload them to your average streamers i.e.; Twitch. It's easy to use and easy as 1, 2, 3. Simply tap the Share button on the DualShock 4 controller, choose your preferred minutes of gameplay, select it and return to gaming. Yes, it allows it to upload as you continue playing. It also enhances your twitch entertainment by now being able to stream your gameplay in real-time.

Your Entertainment

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Your old-fashion Hulu and Netflix are still here! But they have also added even more opportunities for your entertainment time by adding more applications including Crackle, Amazon, NBA Game Time, Redbox Instant and more. These give you a new portfolio with the latest movies and TV shows, unique content and live sports for those special game days.

Playstation Plus

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Even good old Playstation Plus has upped it's benefits within the gaming community. This membership was designed in similarity to the Xbox Live Gold membership to enhance the gaming experience with members receiving new updated content as they play and get their game on.

System Overview

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The Playstation 4 Console opens the door to an unreal gaming journey throughout the gaming community to connect with friends and family and random people that you will soon meet all around the world. There is no limits to the gaming and it doesn't stop there. The connections go on and on within the console and it is rapidly improving as they make more adjustments, fix bugs and issues, give you a vast expansion of games and entertainment and giving the gamers mindset point of view using the console itself. Greatness Awaits as you can buy this console at your local technology store or online.

Jailbreak and Custom Firmware

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There is NO jailbreak for the Playstation 4 console and there will more than likely not be one for a while if not ever. Please do not believe YouTube videos and download any software or fall for their tricks because it will lead to something harmful landing on your computer that can expose not only your personal information but can also prove a life threat as they can access your credit card and other Social Life information. This is a perfect example of keeping yourself safe as most of the time these problems can be prevented by being cautious of what you download onto your computer.


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Very helpful guide, thanks.
[Image: hoMDRFm.gif]
(03-06-2016 - 07:13 PM)Gess Wrote: Very helpful guide, thanks.

Thank you for the feedback.
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